Reviews from

in the past

It's an alright game for a few hours until you get bored of the repetitive mechanics. Not meant to be thorough and educational.

Imagine PC building but simplified and boring. It's essentially a click simulator, you don't have to do anything manually, just buy the right parts, use the right parts, screw it in, done.

Don't use this to learn about PC building. Please.

Bought this in anticipation of building my first PC. Sadly my laptop was not strong enough to run it, but what I played it for an hour and learned nothing useful. Then I bought my PC and built it successfully off YouTube tutorials.

Absolutely not worth it, do not buy this.

Divertido e um ótimo simulador, pena que é pessimamente otimizado

I am a pro gamer pc enthusiast, call me ArcherTechTips

It does a great job at letting you live your fantasy of building and fixing PCs for a living, until you eventually build one IRL then it becomes boring. Other than that it's ok.

Even for a simple simulator game this is pretty boring after a couple hours. The gameplay is alright but there's just only 4 tasks to repeatedly do so what's the point really

Man, I was ready for the nerdiest of nerd junk but all I got was a "click here then click here; profit" game. Sadness intensifies.

El juego en sí no está nada mal, captó mi interés por unas 10 horas. Ahora bien, te enseña cosas muy importantes para hacer fuera del juego y eso no tiene precio. A mí personalmente me ayudó bastante a hacer unas prácticas. Y encima gratis gracias a los de Epic

I don't know why this game is so addictive...

Simplified Pc Building. Very repetitive and boring. It's too simple that it teaches nothing to newbies and offers absolutely nothing to veterans of pc building.

ironically my pc werent good enough to run this when i bought it

had fun for like one hour and I guess that at least I learned something about pc parts

Was free on Epic, still playing, a nice game to learn about computer hardware (i knew before playing this game tho lol)

suficientemente bueno si estas haciendo grado medio de informática pero despues de 2 horas ya has visto todo lo que tiene que ofrecer el juego

Genuinely fun, and for someone like me still learning PC stuff, this was also a cool way for me to remember. Sunk in a few hours worth into playing this, something I will likely revisit it at some point.

Really cool, but has a bug where you can't fix the PC, no matter what you do. I will get bac to it tho.

like it how you ACTUALLY get to build and repair computers in this game

It's definitely simplified down from actual hardware compatibility and behaviour, but nonetheless it's a fun way to spend money that isn't real on computer parts that you want in real life.

Pretty cool game but can gets boring if you're not into pc building (who would've guessed)