Reviews from

in the past

the colors, the message n the soundtrack r all so good ): wish people would talk more about this. such a sweet game

Find out if your friends were also on Tumblr in 2013 by singing Peach Moon to yourself within earshot

This game makes me so sad. I'm gonna paste here what I wrote in a tumblr post from a few months ago.

"i recently replayed penpals and aaghhh it makes me so sad that its an abandoned project... like no shame no hate on the creator, thats not how i feel nor is that what im trying to say, i just wish there was... more. the vibes were immaculate and i wouldve loved to see the horror themes expanded on, almost like it were a pastel-grunge space funeral.

the hidden chase scene in the apartment building comes to mind. as well as the ending, i wish that was explained/elaborated on. idk. i guess im just going to dream about it for the rest of my life"

I can see the vision but the writing is so amateur it bogs it down. cool atmosphere though

can't say whether this game is good or not but ultimately that doesn't matter imo. it's unpolished in a way that feels very sincere and charming. i first played this in 2013 when i was 11 years old and going through the worst period of my life and this wormed itself into my brain. i cried at the ending, and i still feel an intense melancholy when thinking about it. "in time you will be fine."