Reviews from

in the past

60 dollars for a tech demo WHY YES I AM STUPID ENOUGH TO BUY THAT.

At least The Londen Heist was fun.

Was shocked at how fun this experience actually was.

The heist was amazing, everything else was lame bullshit….40€ for one nice 30 minute game and some bad tech demos…not a good deal guys

Even by the standards of other VR 'experiences' these tech demoes are extremely fleeting but, hey, the shark was pretty scary

Danger Ball: Pong but with your head. Not bad and a decent challenge.

London Heist: Tech Demo for what a shooter in VR could be. It's fine but it's clearly meant to just be a taste of what would eventually come.

Luge: Such a weird addition. Who wanted this? Why did they add this? Also gave me motion sickness. Not good.

Ocean Descent: Screensaver ass game.

Scavenger's Odyssey: This collection is supposed to be for new VR owners and give them a taste of how great VR can be. And they included this vomit inducing mess???? What the fuck.

My first VR game. So much of it is quite fun. The London heist mini game is very fun. It really showcases what VR can be. A lot of the minigame are just that though, mini games. While they are all fun, none are mind-blowing by any means. However, it helps get you VR legs.

The gangster session is really fun, the rest is either boring or forgettable.