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in the past

Tan divertido como el original, pero quitan las cosa mas bonitas :/

A fantastic remake of an already solid game. I'm glad they went with a different style for the graphics; these took a little getting used to, but I love them a lot now. I do wish they'd included more Pokemon or otherwise changed some things around, but it's still very solid and I loved revisiting an old favorite. Hopefully the Explorers games get this same treatment!

Me he descargado la demo en un frenesí de locura internetera pero bueh, no es para mí.

Me ha salido Squirtle.

La verdad es que no había tocado antes ningún Mundo Misterioso, así que cuando salió el remake del primero quise darle una oportunidad. Me pareció cuquísimo, la idea de ser tú un Pokémon en vez de controlarles tú muy original, con una historia muy tierna y en términos de jugabilidad fácil de llevar (con excepción de algunos comandos que no funcionan muy allá), aunque algunos mapas se hacen eternos y complicados si no se va bien equipados. Sin haber jugado el original para comparar, ha sido una experiencia bastante agradable.

A solid remake of the original Red/Blue Rescue Team. I don't know why they removed the neutral attack, but they managed to make the game work around it so I don't really mind. A fun time.

Decent remake tbh but I'm not sure if it was worth $60

It's nice to see Mystery Dungeon back! This is a really solid remake that fixes some of the biggest issues of the original, although the Pokémon animation is still noticeably stiff.

A shockingly great remake that adds so much cool stuff, and has a quality postgame.

so much more fun than I was expecting
super cute art style
addicting gameplay
so emotional ;.;
you can BREAK this game

I finally got around to playing this after wanting to for so long because I loved the original as a kid. I feel like it doesn't hold up really well, and that it was carried by nostalgia for me honestly.

Normally I don't like to put out stupidly long reviews that are bullshit to read because they take like 10 minutes, but I felt very strongly about this one.

This is at its heart a good game, but that is simply because it remakes something so good. This game is a case of death by a thousand papercuts regarding its problems.

The biggest problem with this game is how cheap it all is. This game was made on a budget of coins found in the dryer and a fart. Is this actually true? I hope it is, otherwise its clear the money was spent on coke and hookers. Sorry for not legitimately looking up the budget like a true soldier of so retro.

The greatest way to describe this game is that it feels like a late-stage 3DS game, and one that feels low-budget even for that system. The animations are cheap or recycled from a 3ds game. Keep in mind the actual 3ds PMD games weren't lookers in the first place.

One thing the game really suffers from though is the story. That is maybe a shallow statement however. The story in the original game serves the game quite well. The problem is how it is presented in this game. I'm sure if you're taking the time to read this you've heard of abstraction in retro video games.

In the original game, the story was fairly barebones, but the nature of it allowed a sort of abstraction. Maybe I'm bold for saying that, I did play the original as a kid, and maybe nostalgia is blinding me. To be honest though, it's the same story. I haven't obviously memorized the script, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was word for word. What makes this game poor is that 3D models are much more literal, and there's nothing for our brain to fill in. We can imagine the sprites showing emotions when they do that little sweatdrop thing. When I see that same sweatdrop thing here, I just think about how cheap it looks. Lots of models just standing around shooting the shit in this game. It feels like a youtube video where a guy fucks around in Gmod giving the characters dialogue. It all feels so fake.

The gameplay is also just worse. Sorry. It just feels like if Super was bad. They decided to base the gameplay off of recruiting a lot of pokemon and getting rare qualities. This just feels stupid. All it does is give you more bodies to sacrifice in the middle of dungeons, making them completely trivial. They had to fundamentally change boss fights, and they made them utter bullshit. Be glad they give shower you with reviver seeds because you will absolutely need them. They wouldn't give you so many unless they knew it was bullshit.

The recruitment gameplay loop really is just poor. It feels like a new take on the system from Super, but that system was fun because it increased the power of your main guys. This system just gives you meatshields that you pray have long range moves and rare qualities. Rare qualities are a dumb system anyways. Once you get a teammate with steamroll you've basically got every tool you need to just steamroll the game in half.

This game keeps the link system and the move exp system. I don't believe these are supposed to co-exist. A system that rewards you for shitting out as many moves as possible and a system that lets you do it. It's just another step to demolishing the game. I played as Meowth and paired screech with fury swipes. The game played itself after this. Bosses HP melted away.

This game also just gives you movesets that are so good right at the very start that you will probably keep most of the moves until the end of the game. Super managed to give you like one decent move from the start to compliment the move exp system, but this game just gives you every tool you need. My partner Cubone started with a move that hits in a 2 tile circle (absurdly strong tool) and ended the game only swapping headbutt for bonemerang (might be the best move I've ever used). It adds to the feeling of the difficulty not even being balanced in the first place.

It all just makes this game play like worse Super. If I'm going to dedicate myself to play a game with a story that falls flat I'm going to play Super, because at least that game has challenging and rewarding gameplay and a story that is good in theory despite the bad execution.

Let me just rapid fire some small nitpicks. I don't like choosing your starter and think having it given to you makes the story better. Some of the songs kinda miss the point just a tad and it took me out of the scenes. Letting starter only pokemon become partners here takes away some of the pokemons unique charm. The graphics look a little blurry. The town doesn't seamlessly load the pelipper post office despite loading the pond and dojo. The removal of deadends from dungeons make the game feel toothless. Being able to see where all the items and enemies are makes the game absurdly easy and should've been an equippable item or rare quality. Giving you effectively three bellies pretty much makes the system pointless and only the longest dungeons will even make you engage with this system once.

Thats a lot of nitpicks. Aren't you glad I didn't make this even longer and stupider by elaborating?

If this game just came out and failed, that would've been fine. My biggest problem though, is that this game will be any new players introduction to the series. Despite what you may believe, the majority of people don't want to use an emulator to play a retro game when they can just go to walmart and buy an overpriced remake for their Splatoon machine. People will end up playing this game, and they'll say "wow, the story wasn't actually deep like all of those people said", and the gameplay is really an acquired taste so they probably won't like it either. When I hear people say they totally fell in love with this game I just get confused. How can you love a game so cheap and so poorly thought through? The worst part is I can't even say this game is awful, because it's a remake of a fundamentally good game, and that means it has fundamentally good elements.

Edit: I forgot to mention they removed the basic attack. This was like my biggest issue with the game so I'm not sure how I forgot to include it. Whenever you almost kill an enemy you just feel like you're wasting PP by using another attack. Just let me chip away at them PLEASE

Fun game actually! Just going through the post game now whenever i have time but i considet this done.

never did postgame because i wanted to finish the original game postgame first

This game still gives me cubone. I'll go with cubone. Come with me lonely boy.

pretty cool but too expensive

A beautiful remaster of one of my favorite games from childhood. While it didn't hook me as much this time around, it was a lovely way to feel nostalgic for those long car rides in 2006, DS in hand.

Controls are somewhat picky and the plot is lacking (because it's a Pokemon game, come on) but the art style is among my favorite of any Pokemon game, the remastered soundtrack is incredible, and the combat is as good as ever.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is a childhood favourite game of mine. Both the original, the sequel, and Super (not Gates) has all affected me very deeply, but the original has always been something that changed the way I interact with videogames in a lot of ways. It was one of the first games I've experienced with a story, one that I voraciously looked through guides through so I could 100% it, one that made me actually notice videogame music as a thing, and one that resonated with me so deeply it made me cry intermittently for the week after I beat it back in 6th grade.

Because of that, I had a lot of hope for it, and I was very excited to experience an updated version of a game that I enjoyed so much as a child. But at the same time, I was apprehensive and worried, considering The Pokemon Company's track record at the time, and my general apathy towards the franchise. Sword and Shield was a pretty major disappointment, and most of their major works have been phone and gatcha games.

I'm happy to say that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX warranted no such worry (thanks Spike Chunsoft!) and it's a completely updated experience that somehow manages to keep a lot of the core spirit of the original game alive, while at the same time, changing enough that it's worth experiencing all over again.

For anyone who has never played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, its a spin-off that's a dungeon crawler RPG rather than the turn-based, monster collecting RPG the main series is. While the battles are still turn-based, you can move one tile, attack, or use an item each turn, as can the enemy, so you have to juggle both movement and battles while progressing in dungeons with randomly-generated layouts. It's not a genre that's for everyone, and though it's notably a lot easier than most games of the genre (because, after all, it's still for kids) it's still harder than the main series and can get surprisingly frustrating if you don't know what you're doing.

The gist is you get to a floor, try to find the stairs to get further into the dungeon, gather items and beat other Pokemon along the way. There are, of course, bosses to fight at the end of some dungeons, and progressing through them gets you further and further into the story, which is where Pokemon Mystery Dungeon TRULY outshines the mainline Pokemon games.

Full disclosure, Rescue Team, due to being the first of the Mystery Dungeon games isn't exactly the paragon of story telling. It's heartfelt, and cute, definitely, but if you wanted something really deep along the lines of something like Fata Morgana or DDS this definitely isn't it. Hell, it doesn't even stand up that well to the later entries of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon franchise, and that's to be expected considering it's the first one. If you've never played Rescue Team but played some of the later games, then the story will seem awfully predictable and barebones to you. That being said, presentation does a lot for a game, and PMDX has STELLAR presentation.

The art style of the remake tries to recreate the watercolour painting style of the promo images and the menu art of the original game as opposed to the pixel style of the original DS and GBA versions.

From the shading of the models to the subtle movements of the grass and trees in the environment to the colour palette and even the menu UI, everything is just GORGEOUS. It really does feel like playing a storybook and I think that especially makes the story feel even more magical to me. Yes, of course, a lot of it is nostalgia but it's just such a COMFORTABLE game to play. The soundtrack is of course, magnificent, keeping a lot of the feel of the old tracks while adding some modern embellishments to it for the current console age.

It is just a beautiful game, the art direction is just STELLAR despite not being particularly the best graphics-wise, and it's just way more visually engaging than a certain other Pokemon game. Even though the dungeons are top-down, randomly generated set of tiles, seeing the different designs and effects of each tile in each new dungeon, how they inform the environment you're in with such's just a treat to go through.

Along with that, there are animated cutscenes and intros for each boss battle, for major story beats, changes in camera angles and movements that make the original scenes have so much more weight to them. The dynamic entries of Moltres and the other birds are MUCH more climactic now, and it makes the eventual boss fights with them so much more fulfilling as a result.

Of course, just updated visuals might not be enough to justify buying a 14 year old game again but never fear! The gameplay has been updated too! While the basics of it are more or less the same, there are a lot of QoL changes like more access to a variety of items, easier ways to level grind, easier access to special skills/abilities and the ability to change them, team building, more robust movepools provided by the modern generation of Pokemon, and evolutions/mega evolutions that didn't exist in generation 3 when the original came out.

You can rescue yourself in a dungeon if you've fainted so you don't lose all your items and money, instead of JUST relying on friends and strangers to do so, there are auto-walk options where your Pokemon would explore the dungeon by themselves until they get close to an enemy, and there's a lot more clarification in how to go about actually playing this game through the tutorials.

Now some people (especially after playing the demo) might argue that this makes the game too easy. I'm here to tell you, as someone who's played both games and went through the same dungeons, that that statement is utter bullshit.

A lot of people tout the original as being incredibly difficult but I personally don't agree with that statement. I feel like a lot of them project the difficulty to be much higher than it actually was due to not having much skill in playing it (due to them being much younger when the original came out) and due to the perception that being able to recruit 8 Pokemon in PMDX in one dungeon makes boss fights laughably easy (which, it does not considering that a lot of the later ones can and WILL spam AoE moves).

On top of that, the robust movepools for the starters means that the enemies have significantly improved movepools too. It isn't uncommon to be utterly wrecked by some random Magcargo spamming Earth Power or being sniped by a Magby using Flame Burst. Having a Farfetch'd use Brave Bird out of nowhere or having your only reviver seed getting eaten by a Weedle with Bug Bite. Even worse, they keep the mechanics of Gates and Super where if that enemy defeats any of your team members, they WILL get super powered and even mega evolve in some cases, wrecking you even more. The hp pool of basically every enemy, bosses included, has also been increased to high heaven while the damage done with moves has decreased, keeping a ratio more similar to Super where you have to engage with the enemy a few times to defeat it, meaning you do actually have to think about every move you make.

I think they excelled in balancing the game around it's QoL changes and ease of access to strong items and moves. While yes, you get way more reviver seeds and max elixirs, you also will end up using them a lot more. While yes, you get access to super powerful TMs early on, it might not be as strong or effective as a commonly used Tackle in longer dungeons because of it's PP cost and the build up of skills the more you use them. While yes, you have way more orbs and disruption options available to you, you WILL have to use them to get through certain fights and the game actively encourages you to use them strategically instead of just blasting through the game with strong attacking skills like in the original.

All this adds to gameplay that, while very similar to the original, feels completely different to go through. Even the bosses require different strategies and ways to beat them because of added mechanics like lava pools with Groudon and a twister that moves your teammates around if they're in certain spots.

And as always, the post-game dungeons continue to be incredibly difficult compared to the main game, with dungeons that force you to lv 1, dungeons that don't let you bring in items, dungeons with 99 floors and dungeons that do all three, with incredibly rewarding goals to aim for like being able to recruit Legendary Pokemon.

The original rescue team, out of all the Mystery Dungeon games, I think has the BEST postgame, being a series of linked events that require certain conditions to be fulfilled and also about twice as long as the actual main story. There's just so much to DO, so much to aim for. So many new dungeons and new bosses and while the difficulty spike might be a bit much, it's just so SATISFYING to play something that really challenges me. Being able to recruit legendary Pokemon and get a special area for them is just so minor but so much more satisfying to fulfil than seeing legendaries just wander around by sheer luck.

I think really, the only reason I'm not shouting from the roof about how everyone should get this is honestly is not going to mean much to you if you never cared for the original games to begin with. If you like roguelike gameplay then I'd recommend it, definitely, but if you didn't care for the gameplay and the story never resonated with your lonely little 11 year old heart, then it probably won't be worth getting.

It's a nostalgia trip through and through, and definitely worth getting if you LOVE PMD but never played the original for whatever reason and want to experience it. But if the franchise was never for you then I doubt PMDX is gonna change your mind much. That being said, if reading this made you curious about this series and want to get into it, then I HIGHLY recommend it. It's a really fun, emotional and a genuinely heartwarming game that just feels nice to play. It highlights what a remake SHOULD be: a game that takes all the charm of the original and builds on it.

A Great remake of a likely to be classic. The art style is a weird choice and there could have been more quality of life changes made. The additon of later generation pokemon was a nice touch but you wont see any until post game. Which sadly i havent gone back to experience yet.

admittedly, I was not really much of a big fan of the original Red and Blue Rescue Team (blame the fact that I received it after I got the much higher quality Explorers of Time!) so I resisted buying this game for a year

the art style is incredible and without a doubt one of the best parts of the game after some serviceable 3D from Gates to Infinity and Super Mystery Dungeon. there's a lot of great quality of life content here and is absolutely the Mystery Dungeon game I'd recommend to new players

that being said, there seems to be no new translation, meaning the dialogue is as stiff and unnatural as it was when Red and Blue Rescue Team was released stateside back in 2006 and is particularly jarring when new content is accompanied by better dialogue. the loss of the neutral attack is pretty bad too

I'm a bit divided as to whether or not this game is worth $60. but it's still good fun at the end of the day

meu sonho se tornou realidade

A perfect recreation of the original, at first I wasn't a fan of the art style but it quickly grew on me. My only complaint is they got rid of the friendship zones so you can no longer explore a little zone that houses your friends.

Unnecessary remake that was still fun for what it's worth. The addition of shiny pokemon was a nice addition, but the lack of sprite animations compared to the original make it lose personality. On top of removing the lovingly crafted pokemon areas, it also removes the necessary silence that is needed in heavier scenes. I would always recommend the original to people over this version, but if there is no other alternative, this experience will do a decent job of giving you the plot.

A fun and surprisingly deep Pokémon spin-off that had me addicted for a little while. Wanted to 100% this game but the post game just gets a bit tedious with grinding.

its really charming in many aspects plus the story is really fun,love the ost but didnt like much of the gameplay tho,its kinda good

was so good love mystery dungeon I should play the post game more

Antes tinha dado 5 estrelas mas ai joguei Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Keep Going! Blazing Adventure Squad e percebi que Rescue Team DX poderia ser muito melhor.
Começando pelos lados negativos: Não passa muita emoção com os sprites 3d nas molduras onde justamente deveria ser mais emotivo e sentir bem o que cada pokémon quer passar. Não conseguiram fazer bem nesse jogo(não posso falar nos outros 3d pois não joguei).
Poderia ter seguido a gameplay do jogo base que não envelheceu nenhum pouco mal. Essa mecânica de não ter ataque padrão que não consome PP enquanto todo ataque possui uma quantidade minúsculas de uso é muito chato.
Era mais rápido usar ataques setados com L + A ao invés de abrir o menu, porém isso é um ponto pessoal.
Rare qualities são ruins e só umas 5 se salva, o sistema de IQ permitia fazer mais coisas, ao menos não precisa mais dar grind de gummi.
Pokemon grande são PÉSSIMOS de jogar, odiei. Era melhor quando ocupava mais espaço e não alterava os golpes e nem dificultava andar pelos corredores. Falando em andar, simplesmente um lixo essa coisa de não atravessar mais aliados, não há porque empurrar e ainda perder 5 pontos do medidor de fome. Péssimo.
Falta muito charme durante as batalhas, sem nada visual que identifique um acerto critico, sprites de emoção sem emoção, modelos 3d parados, poxa, podia ser mais charmoso.
Por fim, as batalhas de chefe estão incrivelmente fáceis, é só juntar o máximo de pokémon que der e espancar o chefe com auxilio de alguma orbe completamente desequilibrada.
Pontos positivos não são muitos, grande parte do mérito do jogo é que a base é simplesmente muito boa.
A historia é a mesma, poucas alterações(se tiver).
Colocaram tipo fada e evoluções que chegaram após a geração 3, isso é bem legal.
Stats mais balanceados e pode trocar o líder da equipe, nomes e afins a qualquer momento, muito bom também.
A ost é o fino do fino embora a soundfont do GBA seja mais nostálgica e sou enviesada a gostar mais da original.
A gameplay é fluida mas podia ter sido bem melhor. Se for pra ter PMD Explores DX eu prefiro um port direto com alterações no balanceamento, sinceramente.

He revivido uno de mis juegos de infancia de forma muy especial, mejora en TODO, y aún me queda mucho por jugar, pero ya terminé la historia principal.

I never played the original games this was a remaster of, so I came in completely fresh. I actually was rocking with the artstyle unlike a lot of people, and I got this game and played the hell out of it. Nothing revolutionary again but it was just nice to get to play PMD again after a couple years.