Reviews from

in the past

I wish they had done more to build upon Tetris Attack, the only thing really new is the 3D mode. There's not even 4-player! Still, this game is awesome fun.

It's panel de pon but with an ugly pokemon reskin. The game plays fine, but the N64 controller is not great for this type of game, and the music is just okay.

It's still Panel de Pon though, which is always a good time.

Why can’t you rotate the blocks up and down damnit.

It's the best puzzle game in out there.

Yet another Pokémon game that I enjoyed more than actual Pokémon games lol

Panel de Pon has never really landed for me (my brain just does not interpret the possibilities for combos in the same way I can for Tetris and Puyo Puyo) but I gotta say this game is still a pretty good time. Helps that it's a bit of nostalgia for the early days of the anime, hearing extremely compressed voice clips of the 4kids cast and dumpy midi versions of the songs from the "2 B a Master" CD lends the game a lot of charm.

mt chato, pq que colocaram essa bosta no switch online?

Maybe one day I'll stop playing these kinds of games. I'm never good at them. The story mode in this game was probably a lot easier that other games in this genre, but it was still basically too hard for me by the end.
This game was pretty frustrating. The mechanics of the game didn't work as well as I felt they should. It was so precise to slide a block in underneath falling blocks, and it's impossible to slide a block under if it's one block below. Which is really annoying. Also by adding a layer of new blocks underneath everything as time went on, sometimes it would just randomly start a chain that ended up messing with what I was trying to do, which got really frustrating by the end of the game when I NEEDED to think and work fast.
Ultimately the story mode was just frustrating and annoying.

The puzzle levels were more interesting to me, but I also found that most of the time I was just using trial and error to get through, which wasn't fun. There were some pretty decent puzzles though.

Anyways the art was fine and the music was, at best, just boring remixes of the anime/movie songs with no vocals, and at worst, they got annoying after the 2nd time hearing them. Overall, I wasn't really a fan of this game, but there was at least a bit of fun to be had.

Ya it's fun. it's like panel de pon but better cause it has pokemon lol!

Yeah it's just Puzzle League with a Pokemon skin, but that skin adds a surprising amount of charm.

Panel de pon meets pokemon with the voice actors from the english dub of the anime makes this very charming. The gameplay is fun and addicting and picking your pokemon at the start of the rounds is a neat spin of the formula. One of, if not the best puzzler on the N64.

...this can't be a tie-in, right? It's a Pokémon videogame. But it's based on the anime. Oh no...

Anyways the game is very good and so much fun. With friends it's a blast.

panel de pon forma de pokemon

This game is fun but it drags on a bit if you're doing everything in it. Very much a "lazy Sunday" one-time sit-down type of game.

I'm not saying this is the best N64 game. But I'm not saying it's not.

Sadly it takes the cartoon route by having the Pokemon be voiced, although something can definitely be said about hearing the VAs do their best full cringe freakout while a big combo is happening. Adds a certain energy to the gameplay for what it's worth.

The 3D mode is insane and it's a shame it has never been done again in later Panel Pon games, even though you basically can not lose in it. Although the same technically applies to Player 2. Irresistible force paradox, as told by shrieking Pokemon and colored blocks.

Puzzle League/ Panel de Pon is a fun, easy-to-understand puzzle game with a high skill ceiling and fast-paced yet occasionally tactical play. The way the blocks look and the sound the cursor makes are pleasing, but the anime art is cheap and aliased. As far as speed goes, Pokemon is a little on the fast side, but, thankfully, in intense moments, the Virtual Console might lag and give you an extra second to think. 3D Cylinder mode is fun and makes chains easier than ever. The sound pokemon make when they get chains ranges from grating to funny. Makes me wish I could play a Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart version of Puzzle League with endless, easy-to-implement custom characters. I don't think one version of Puzzle League is the "definitive version," and Ninty haven't made a new one in years, so, there's potential here.

Gotta stack em all!

Pokemon puzzle league brings the fun and adds more to the puzzle style game. The game just like Tetris attack has a story mode where you challenge the Kanto Gym leaders and many others to battle against the puzzle champion. the choice of pokemon doesn't make a difference at the start of the battle. just pick your favorite and keep stacking.

The music is possibly the huge nostalgia for a lot of pokemon fans including myself. most of the songs are from the 2.B.A master soundtrack and others from the pokemon orange league anime.

If your new pokemon fan that started further in the series, I recommend you give this a game a try as the old fans who never played tetris attack to try this as well.

Sabrina te da un Boton de Plastico cuando la derrotas y la loca tiene el descaro de decirte que es una Insignia

It's Panel de Pon, what can I say. The Mono music and show assets kill me though. Why do I have to stare at Jesse and James in Viking outfits for so long....

Tetris Attack o Panel de Pon pero con Pokémon. No hay mucho más que agregar.

Hay Voice Acting del anime en inglés, y cuando logras hacer combos escucharas a los Pokémon decir su nombre. Esta clase de sonidos son los que le encantan a la persona que está jugando pero molesta a los que están cerca.

De todas formas es muy divertido, todavía no logro pasarlo en Very Hard.

via Nintendo Switch Online Nintendo 64

I hate this game turned me into what I swore I'd never become: a Candy Crush mom.
Really, I've been obsessed with it. I don't know exactly how long I've played since I play other games on Nintendo 64 online but according to in-game stats it's somewhere between 4 and 25 hours--and probably on the latter side. I haven't "finished" the game because I'm unsure if I will be able to. I'm stuck both on the Giovanni level in the Very Hard tournament for 1 player and the Special Giovanni level after 6-5 in the Spa Service, which seems almost impossible. I might finish it one day but I'm satisfied with that for now.
3D mode is some kind of fresh hell when you're first starting it, though. It took me a couple of days to get used to it and I almost gave up but you get used to it over time.
Anyways, I've never played the OG Puzzle League but this is a fun game (that pushed me to the brink of insanity so there was a time when everytime I closed my eyes I saw colorful blocks)... I main Team Rocket or Sabrina in 2 player mode, which I've forced my begrudging peers to play with me.

lol. The midi renditions of the anime songs are funny

There is less lag on this game than Tetris Attack, and also a bigger window to extend combos after clearing blocks (by a few frames). Therefore, it is very good.

This is the best puzzle game at being a fighting game. Agonizing wars of attrition, planning needing to be compensated by resource management - it does not compare to Tetris, because it does not want to be Tetris. It does not want to be infinite. It simply wants you to be better. You CAN be better. And when you're better the man will say "When you're hot you're hot" while playing a MIDI piano version of a power ballad from a 4Kids album from the early 2000's. And is that not the peak of human existence?

Looks and plays like a low budget trash heap