Reviews from

in the past

It's honestly impressing how they managed to squeeze this game on the PSP, but the saving system and checkpoints are so ridicules that I just lost every interest in playing. Always having to replay 3-10 minutes of the same platforming just because you made the slightest mistake (which most of the time isn't really your fault) is just so nerve-racking.

I'm going to sound like a broken record, since everyone here has already talked about the extra levels in length. But man, I hate them with a passion.

Why would they do that? Why would they ruin the pacing of the original PS2 game, by adding what I'm assume is cut content? I understand they wanted to give players something extra for buying an inferior version of the game. But man, they should've just given us some extra outfits or something that actually added to the experience and wasn't as intrusive as those levels were.

Aside from that, I like the game. 10/10. Would play again.

First of all, I can't believe how they managed to run this PS2 game on the PSP. Of course they downgraded the textures; some characters look so awful, and the game runs at like 15-20 FPS. But hey, at least Kaileena is still hot as hell.

This game, PoP: Revelations, is basically the PSP port of PoP: Warrior Within on PS2. Revelations has extra levels that Warrior Within does not have. This may sound good, but I assure you, it's not. I am a huge fan of the series. The Warrior Within is my favorite game in the trilogy (actually, it's my favorite game of all time), but I can't say this for Revelations, even though it's almost the same game.

Revelations is the perfect example of how extra levels can turn a good game into a nightmare. I'm telling you as a person who has each platinum trophy of the trilogy on PS3.

Let's start with good things. I would like to congratulate the team that ported this masterpiece to PSP. And that's it. The majority of the characters look so awful because they had to downgrade the textures. This is so noticeable when you have to face bigger enemies and bosses. Dahaka and the Sand Wraith look too bad when they're on the screen, but if you don't mind the graphics, that's totally fine! Because I didn't mind it while playing it.

Now I'm going to talk about the biggest flaws of this game... Yeah, the FPS and the graphics are downsides, but the main issue is "the extra levels" they added to the PSP port. If you played any other versions, you can understand what I'm going to talk about, but if you never played Warrior Within, that's fine. There's a main hall at the very beginning of the game. You'll visit that place so often. And you're going to use it to make your way almost everywhere. You can go to four places from the main hall (I excluded the entrance). You can go to the throne room, the mechanical tower, the water tower, or the balcony. In Warrior Within, you can go to each place directly. I mean without facing enemies or solving puzzles. You just make your way there, and... that's it! However, in Revelations, if you want to go anywhere besides the balcony, you're going to have hard times. The extra levels that I talked about are there. And the issue is that they are obviously incomplete. As soon as you see the first frame of those extra levels, you're going to think the same thing: they look unfinished and rushed. The way they added those extra levels is so cheap that they basically blocked the main road you're going to take, and they make it like if you solve the extra level, you'll be rewarded with a shortcut that is going to get you to the main objective anyway. Bro c'mon! I said, "Okay, I do remember these extra levels, and I beat them when I was a kid (like 10–15 years ago); maybe they are not worse than I remember?" .... They are worse than I remember.

The game has four extra levels aside from Warrior Within, and each one of them has parkour elements, puzzles, and enemies. But the way they made those maps is boring, or, as I said, incomplete. You're going to make jumps that make no sense. With every jump I took, I always said to myself, "Am I going the right way? Is this the way that game wants me to go?" The game shows you where you must go, but the way you get there is so weird. I always felt like I was breaking the game by making impossible jumps to the wrong places. The whole reason they add those extra levels is to make you play more. If I can finish the Warrior Within in 8–10 hours, Revelations will take 15 hours (assuming that you're not going to solve the puzzles flawlessly because you won't).
And those extra levels have no story-related content either. (In Rival Swords, the PSP port of The Two Thrones and the sequal of Warrior Within have story-related content in every bonus level.) The extra levels turn this game into Dark Souls. If I could not rewind the time in this game, I swear to God I could throw the PSP away. Even with the rewind powers, it's torture.

Besides the extra levels, you can clearly feel the hardware limitations of the PSP. I said the FPS is low, but it's also so buggy. When you rewind the time while jumping or wall-running, it may cancel your actions. I died a couple of times while doing it. And sometimes you may find yourself somewhere else when you finish rewinding. The character teleports to weird locations.

Here is a recommendation to you: if you want to play this game, don't play the PSP port. Do not play the Revelations! Play the PS2 version if you can, or the PC port. Do not touch the PS3 port, either, because the characters in those ports look even worse than the PSP version.