Reviews from

in the past

It's an improvement over the original reigns but it is often frustrating trying over and over waiting for necessary event cards to spawn.

filled the hole that the got ending left

And so he spoke, and so he spoke
That Lord of Castamere
But now the Reigns weep o'er his show
And not a soul to hear

It sucks that this is the strongest GoT video game adaptation we've gotten

Why suffer through GoT Season 8, when you can just make as many of your own satisfying endings as you'd like in Reigns? Very fun, usually on sale.

A little over long and a little over simple, but still good fun.

Reigns: Game of Thrones (2018): Un entretenido y sencillo juego, basado en la repetitividad y en el ensayo/error. Como pegas, no aprovecha del todo la licencia, y a veces parece más un juego de desgaste (no importa perder, sino cuándo pasará) que uno de estrategia. (5,60)

The decisions don't have enough context to be anything but uninformed guesses and somehow the controls are buggy.