Reviews from

in the past

Passei o jogo todo sem morrer e nem perto de morrer na verdade, aí chega na luta final morro umas 4 vezes kkkk, RE sempre é muito bom, só não dou 5 estrelas por causa de bugs de desempenho e algumas cenas a voz ficou adiantada em relação a animação.

I'm being biased when I say I love this game. I know everyone had their problems and so on with the game but for me it did everything I wanted it to. And yes I love the big vampire lady. Lady Dimitrescu can hurt me any given Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, any day. But back to my point! You can feel the influence of Resident Evil 4 splashed throughout this game. I feel like this is a bit of a step up from RE7 which is a good thing. Feels a little more fast paced and I just love the mix of the antagonists. They all have such mixed and varying personalities for me. I say play it. It's well worth it!

Só não chega a 5 estrelas pq faltou um pouco de terror, por mais que eu tenha tomado o maior susto da minha vida nesse jogo.

Has to be one of my favorite RE games next to RE 4 remake, RE 2 remake and Re7

Alguns problemas de performance mas o jogo é bom, inferior ao 7 mas é bom, os viloes sao meio sem sal mas a evolucao do Ethan como protagonista foi mt boa

An amazing addition the Resi series. Ethan Winters returns as the main protagonist with some new toys and some new banter! Great locals and great horror to be had with some really fun gameplay mixed in, with an interesting story too!

Are those werewolves??????
I love mother Miranda

Holy Crap! game is awesome! They took what made 7 good and amplified it. Badass story and a memorable one. Ethan Winters is a badass and the bosses are unique! Great action! Duke is fun! Is it better than my GOAT RE4? Hell nah but it competes for sure!