Reviews from

in the past

Nunca fui um chegado à FPS mas esse aí tem uma gimmick muito divertida, o jogo é razoavelmente charmoso com as cores e tals, só achei a engine meio bugada as vezes e o estilo visual é... duvidoso no seu charme. No geral muito divertido com os amigos.

If you look at my screen I'll kill you again.

The concept is so good and really well executed. I've played quite a bit on the switch but I've heard that the servers/playerbase on PC is really weak. Very disappointing cause this game had huge potential. If you have friends to play with then I don't think this'll be a problem.


Tried to play it with my friends, hoping it’d be a good time, but it was more so confusing and clunky. Even when you figure out where somebody is at, since they’re invisible and constantly moving, it can be hard to even hit them even if you successfully find them out. The concept is genius, but in execution it’s just a little too hectic. Would maybe have turned more fun if my two buds didn’t immediately give up on it, meaning I had to follow suit.

could be a classic if it was just a bit better

"'tá usando hack, né viado?!" - Jack Preto, from "Jack Preto Return" by TiagoAngelelli