Reviews from

in the past

Got some bugs to work out, maps are awesome but not very replayable. With some work this could become a real competitor to cod zombies. This is a love letter to cod zombies fans who desperately need more content. Very appreciative of what we have here and will continue to look forward to updates.

terminei o jogo e de fato muito gostosinho de jogar, com ctz voltarei mais. Ainda falta polir algumas coisas no jogo mas de fato coça aquela vontade de jogar cod zombies

Completed the first maps guided easter egg. A good bit of fun. I'm looking forward to getting into the game a bit more.

Also, I LOVE that the story takes a lot of inspiration from welsh mythology and uses welsh phrases and locations.

Decent COD: Zombies clone with some fun quirks and mechanics, but needs a little bit of a refresh and boil before it's really set to be that stand-alone title it wants to be so bad. There are some great aspects though, so I would recommend over buying BO3 at $90 or whatever they sell it for now.

A bit rough around the edges but as a long time fan of Call of Duty's zombie mode this scratched an itch that wasn't scratched in a long time. It's definitely derivative but for a game that is planning to release new maps and content for free throughout the year this is very promising.

Whilst I can say that I'm glad another team is taking a crack at making a cod zombies like game (even if their main inspiration is cold war zombies and not the original zombies) I have to sadly be pretty harsh on this.

First off, this game runs like shit. It has awful optimisation and even on performance mode with uncapped frames it barely runs at 30 fps. The "zombies" (more like occultists) function more like killing floor enemies than their cod contemporaries which causes a clash in gameplay between mechanics being similar to cold war but the zombies not being able to be properly utilised. IE Trains. The easter eggs also reduce to some pretty bland steps that reduce to the worst of what cod zombies had while also having quite confusing and visually weird map designs. The perks are also extremely boring compared to their more visually interesting and easy to read counterparts the perks in this game reduce to a small syringe in the wall that gives you a bad RPG-like buff that's something like 5% movement speed. I hope this game irons out some of its more displeasing aspects but I just sadly cannot say you should play this. Shoutout to having a demo that allows people to freely play one of the maps as much as they want.

é literalmente o COD zombies em casa

achei o game em questão estranho, Lembra um pouco COD zombies com killing floor então para quem curte esses dois games certamente vai jogar tranquilamente ele, eu particularmente não vi o mesmo potencial no game mas admito que tem seu charme porem não me pegou.

It's crazy that it took this long for someone other than the Clownporate Overlords from the Triple A underworld to get around to basically aping 1:1 the entire concept of the Call of Booty zombies mode. It's kinda of a shame that it isn't as potent of a hit that I would like it to be.

Up front, if you're coming in for that stuff and just plan on doing rounds, screw everything else, come in and have a ton of fun. It does a serviceable to decent job at scratching that itch if you want a different flavor.

I'm coming at this from the main story goals the game has. First impressions were like "Oh, these are cute, I sure hope these diversify". Those are the first impressions of a fool. All the goals in the game, and I do mean every single one involved a variation of the following:

- Stand in a stupidly small circle and kill enemies to fill a bar. (Some short, some that took rounds to fill. Also some which are in really awkward, claustrophobic positions)

- Kill enemies in a dumb stupid circle.

- Escort something to somewhere. (Mini-escort missions in this type of game are a choice.)

- Do something different for once... To then stand in a circle.

- Find object, charge object by standing in circle.

- Find object and shoot at it or put it somewhere.

There's so many of these per single map that they feel mind-numbingly repetitive even for a style of game that's already lobotomy inducing repetitive.

The mini-boss style enemies are just kinda an annoyance more than a drastic change in gameplay. They come around and you can just make quick work of them with your knife. Which is the opposite problem of something like Tall of Cutie Zombies, in this game, with the right upgrades even some of the bosses will disintegrate with your knife.

The bosses themselves could be super cool if they weren't just the same mini-bosses, but Super Ultra Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX versions of them. And most of them didn't really have enough mechanics going on which is probably why they're infested with a bunch of the normal goons you fight throughout the maps and for some of them that vast majority is compromised of the special goons that could send you crying straight to heaven in a blink of an eye.

What super sucks for that is that those strong gooners can also be absurd damage sponges even with a incredibly upgraded weapon. Which results every single boss fight having you do dumb little circles around the arena and putting your two index fingers together and going "🥺👉👈 pwease doon't hwit me" to the special gooners as you keep shooting at the boss until they're eventually dead.

The perks themselves are just variations of a lot of the stuff you see in Roll of Doobie. Elixir of Life is Juggernog, Stallion Juice is Stamin-Up, etc. But the main difference is that you start off with extremely butchered versions of these perks. And I mean butchered. So for example Elixir of Life starts off at 33% as opposed to Juggernog's more than double. The thing is that they don't stay at that, they have a way where you can actually go and upgrade them through this progression system where you basically get three different variations of skill points and the higher the upgrade tier, the different skill point variation you use.

This to me is a really shallow way to put progression into the game. Where it'd just be infinitely better to have the perks and that's it. Especially when you already have like five? different fake battle passes you can grind for fun if you wanted to go that route for progression and that unlocks a bunch of lil customization things.

The maps were too same-y and a lot of the in-map locations really blended together for me. I ended going around in circles over and over trying to find the single dumb thing that I needed to get. Definitely needed a lot more areas that were like "OH THAT PLACE." but its mostly tunnels and hallways that lead to big circles.

I don't know, it's neat that there's someone out there trying this formula, but other than a neat lil variation that's still fun enough to playthrough, it's kinda eh. If you're a dumb Wall of Nookie Zombies diehard like myself then sure, but if you're more of someone that's somewhat interested or has minimal experience with Paul of Booty, just get Blops the Third on steam with Zambambo Chronicles and rock the hell out of the steam workshop.

I have been looking for a good 'COD zombies like' mode for some time now, and Sker Ritual finally scratched that itch for me. I will not shy away from the fact that this has many technical problems, most of which are performance based, but they nailed what makes round-based zombies so fun. If this game gets tuned up, I could easily see my score going up. Do not let this games bad reviews scare you away from giving it a chance.

I love when indies see an obvious gap in demand like 'hey why isn't there a good modern standalone Nazi Zombies game?' and just go ahead and do it themselves. This is great. I do sometimes question the ways maps are laid out though.