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in the past

Pretty damn fun action-RPG that falls a little flat by the end, but still pretty cool.


Good story, but the combat was a slow burn. It took until about 3/4 of the way through the game for fights to be as fun as they were.

I was actually surprised how well this game managed to pull me in. I'm not really a big fan of traditional RPGs like Star Ocean, but something in it just clicked right with me.

It has a good premise and a solid starting point with decent core cast and the combat, while not exactly fantastic, still tried something new and I would say it succeeded most of the time. There is still some weight with builds, positioning and strategy but the combat is not turn-based, which makes it more streamlined and arcade-like. At certain point it might get pretty dull as mashing just one button or just letting your party nuke take care of the whole encounter seem more like a slowdowns in your adventure than actual challenge, but I would say most of the time the combat serves it purpose.

Then there is the story. While I praise and appreciate the starting point and the scifi premise, for a game called "Star Ocean: First Departure", there is surprisingly little space travel and scifi action involved. It might have some scifi scenes and elements here and there, but in reality it's just a medieval fantasy RPG in disguise. The characters are also bit bland and generic. Some characters feel like they're just stand-ins for some character trope.

Overall it's a decent game I enjoyed.

While being created by the original team of Tales of Phantasia, Star Ocean first departure is, for a lack of a better term...extremely disappointing. There are some interesting ideas presented in this game, however they are never used in a good way nor are they fun. The story is very barebones, even by the standards of an SNES game, the combat is horrible and the encounter rate is terrible. it sucks because I was hoping for a enjoyable experience with this game due to the developers, Tri-Ace having made the first Tales Of game, but what I got was a very underwhelming experience

Star Ocean: um oceano de decepções. Eu esperava até que bastante desse jogo, e ele não entregou quase nada do que eu esperava.

O combate é muito ruim. Eu quero saber quem foi o filho de rapariga que inventou a ideia de um jogo baseado em PARTY onde você NÃO PODE controlar os membros da sua PARTY diretamente. Isso somado ao design preguiçoso e repetitivo das dungeons, deixa a experiência do loop de combate e exploração bem chato.

A história aqui é uma gigantesca punheta de pau mole, com o jogo introduzindo uns 50 conceitos diferentes na primeira hora, e depois esquecendo totalmente deles por 90% do jogo. Com vilões e situações tiradas do nada que no fim não levam a lugar nenhum, com um vilão final que literalmente passou a existir no roteiro faltando 2h pro jogo acabar.

Dentre as poucas coisas boas a citar, o traço é bonito, as cidades são legais de explorar e o jogo tem uma variedade até bem alta de opções de build e habilidades úteis fora de combate.

The best way to describe this game is boneless Tales of Phantasia. It really doesn't have much going for it. The gameplay comes down to mashing a button to win, the story is barebones, and the cast is kinda bland. I know Tales of Phantasia didn't have the best story either but this game was just a snoozefest

Eh. Biggest issue is probably the combat. Most battles are won by mashing X, and most bosses are won by spamming your specials. Specials themselves are severely limited, as you can only have two equipped at a time (Imagine Tales games only allowing two artes instead of eight). The battle is on a 3D plane, but uses 2D character sprites, so depth perception is confusing and you sometimes don't land hits where it looks like it should. You have no control over what target you're attacking and the position in which you attack from, so your player character will constantly be switching between targets mid-attack, and in situations where you need to target a specific enemy, it can be difficult to do so, as you will just jerk back to a different enemy and your defenseless healer is so fucking stupid that they just stand there and let the enemies kill them without taking any defensive measures. AI has no idea how to dodge or block or use even the most basic strategy when it comes to fighting, constantly veering from the rest of the party to take on large groups alone, and accordingly get demolished in a few seconds. Even when you're on top of item usage, there's a delay to when the healing will actually take effect, so you may end up wasting an item if it comes too late. A way to circumvent this is to set characters to not hold back on special attacks, but when you do this, they legit only use their special attacks in every situation. This drains their MP, which means it's another thing you're forced to micromanage that shouldn't be an issue because the AI is actually just dumb. There's no easy way to set the tactics in order to find balance. Suddenly, an action RPG has become all about menu hopping. There is no comfortable flow within the battles because everything moves in real time, but you need to pause the action to heal up at an alarming rate. Couple that with how mindless the actual action is, it creates for an awful experience all around.

And then there's the other side of RPGs: The writing. One of the bigger problems with TtEoT was how heavily it leaned towards fantasy over sci-fi. Sure, the beginning and end were very heavy on sci-fi, but the 85% in between was a generic, medieval RPG world. It was cool to see it from the point of view of a character that lived in an advanced society, but it didn't really explore that very well. FD shows the opposite side, where you're playing as a guy from an underdeveloped planet, who must become accustomed to these advanced aliens.... but nothing really happens. There's a brief moment of confusion, but it soon turns away as Roddick accepts that a more advanced society wants him to join their fleet. There's no drama created. No intrigue. It boils down to, "Oh, so you guys can save my village? Okay, I'll join you." I mean, I get that their promise to cure everyone is lucrative as hell, but you'd think Roddick or his two friends, whose names I don't remember, would have even an inkling of suspicion or basic curiosity. And, of course, you spend like, 20 minutes in this futuristic setting before it dumps you back into a medieval one for the time I spent playing. Maybe the sci-fi elements have more focus later in the game, but, as is, what's the point? They made a story about an advanced society meeting with an underdeveloped one, then proceeded to have a jaunty adventure in a fantasy land without so much as a reference to the clashing cultures beyond the stupid primitives not knowing what some of the words mean.

That doesn't even touch upon how dull and one-dimensional literally every character is, but I'm done shitting on this. What a failure. 2/6

this is my favourite graphical style for an RPG and i wish there'd been more like it. the story sucked though. i could go along with it until the end where it just felt so rushed like they're forgotten it was meant to be somewhat sci-fi based. the cherry on top was how stupidly easy the boss was, so it was over in a second. so glad second evolution sorted that. would try and do universe difficulty but just it's not worth it, man.

Fun game. Even if this is pretty barebones, the customizability is awesome and destroying the game and turning it into your bitch is super fun. Very much enjoyed my time with this game.

Nota: 5,0/10,0

Sua parte técnica legalzinha, o gráfico e o mapa são ok, trilha sonora é legalzinha algumas, mas bem fraca gameplay sendo ela um action rpg é até legal, o zaralha muito é os persongens de dano em área serem desbalanceado, usei muito deles enquanto e fazia festa, derrotei parte dos boss de boa, para não deixar o jogo um tanto muito muito fácil, tive que diminuir uso deles para ter mais dificuldade em varias partes.

História tem uma abordagem ate interessante que podia ser melhor, mas sua narrativa agradavelmente concisa tendo uma boa progressão, mas infelizmente avacalha muito por conta de um elenco bem fraco. Curti máximo uns 3 persongens que davam plus na química entre grupo, fiquei poucas ideias com resto do grupo, que apesar de suas história serem interessantes, não consigo simpatizar com eles, assim para mim deixando suas histórias desinteressantes.

Depois desta experiência fiquei com muita curiosidade sobre proximo jogo, vejo que tem muito à sé explorar, e vou me aventurar ainda mais nesta franquia futuramente, é um bom remake com boas melhorias comparado ao seu antecessor (Dei uma olhada, e é bem mais aproveitouso o este remake mesmo)

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What would happen if you mix a classic "Tales of" with "Star Trek"?
I really enjoyed this game. The story is easy to go by. You have a wide pool of characters to choose to play. The difficulty on the game scales accord you progression. You don't require to grind like a beast. This game has an INSANE skill system that will help you a lot in your gameplay if you master it.
I can say this game has a very powerful and meaningful message:

Anguish not over your fate
Instead, gather forth your courage
and may your strength be everlasting
Generations to come will thank you

Fun gameplay but with an incredibly forgettable characters and story.

Its really funny seeing a game with snes pacing and psp production value
I genuinely think this game had a lot of amazing ideas, i loved how the party works, and its actually really similar to the rpg in my head that will never get even a google doc starting the rough draft. You know the one
My only real complaints about this one is that A. The combat stinks (but it honestly doesnt matter) and B. The last hour and a half is so obviously shoved in there for padding and a more satisfying ending that it hurts.
Team was main 4, cyuss, pericci, ioshua, welch and i did find ioshuas sister

AHHHHHHHHHHHH CE JEU EST 10/10 C'EST INCROYABLEEEEEE j'aurais dû le faire bien plus tôt, le scénario est magnifique et très attirant, les persos sont géniaux (ILIA 🛐 et Phia 🛐) le worldbuilding est INCROYABLE, TOUT EST INCROYABLE, il y a tellement de trucs qu'on peut faire (création d'objets, jouer de la musique, personnaliser les armes etc. ) et le gameplay...... booooooordel c'est parfait, c'était tellement addictif que j'ai fini extrêmement overleveled car, en gros le système de points de compétences gagnés chaque level-up c'est HYPER addictif, donc je faisais des combats random juste pour avoir plus de points de compétences. Et le combat est real-time, c'est un peu comme le combat Tales Of mais en même temps c'est différent. Je sais plus mais j'ai absolument adoré ce jeu et maintenant je suis fan de Star Ocean, je dois faire le deuxième maintenant. Je le recommande très très très fortement, en vrai j'en reviens pas, à mon avis c'est un chef-d'œuvre

First time I've played an ARPG where you can stun-lock final boss easily.
I liked the abilities and craft system although didn't use some of them.

I'm quite disappointed with the aspect of what Star Ocean could have been, and honestly it's a shame that it starts out with such a neat sci-fi premise only to sweep it all under the rug in favor of generic fantasy fulfillment. While there is still a bit of sci-fi involved in the end, for the most part Star Ocean's story is as generic as they come despite having an interesting beginning.

Thankfully the more appealing aspects of the game isn't really it's story, but the many diverges that this game has along with it's character interactions. While most games give you solid cast of characters to watch develop and interact with, Star Ocean instead has different party members you can acquire pending on who you agree to let stay, parts you investigate, and even who is in your party at the time. This means that your experience with Star Ocean may in fact be different from mine, and with the amount of characters to interact with and gain/lose means that in order to fully experience this whole game, you have to play through it 3 times completely optimized. While I don't think you should be using a guide to fully grasp your experience, it's important to note just how permanent your choices are. It's a real shame too because the game never really gives proper reason to think you can lose party members or need to go looking for them, having a better indication of this would have been nice, but I can see how explaining that would ruin the flow of the narrative.

Course Star Ocean is more than just party members, as the combat system is akin to most action RPGs with your ability to control any one character while the other party members end up doing generic commands you can send them unless you want to manually use them. While I don't recall any of my characters being useless throughout my playthrough, a lot of character growth does come from leveling up certain skills and passively gaining the boosts from said skills. Again, the importance of these skills and how it effects your character really isn't explain that well, but thankfully the majority of the game is fairly easy. For the most part, you can get by just by focusing on certain enemies, changing some small battle strategies, and leveling, but there is a notable difficulty spike at the end with the final boss.

Star Ocean: First Departure is a nice remake of the SNES game, and did help with graphical changes as well as improved dialogue and voice acting. The only problem is that Star Ocean's base story is just so blatantly average that it kinda gets lost in the sea of JRPG story telling. Thankfully the more remember-able bits of figuring out what members I should get, as well as how I should build my team stay with me, and for that I wish the franchise more success in the future.