Reviews from

in the past

Buggy af, puzzles kept glitching :\ great concept, poor execution and puzzles were mad confusing

He de empezar diciendo que no me lo he acabado aun estando cerca más o menos del final, porque llevaba ya como dos horas aburriendome. Creo que entre los principales problemas de este juego se encuentra la lentitud de los textos incluso con la lectura rápida (si no la ponéis no me lo quiero ni imaginar) y en sus puzzles. Hay algunos interesantes, pero otros no he encontrando forma humana de averiguarlos. Al principio pensé que a caso hecho son así de obtusos (lo siento, no me conozco la numeración india, navaja y egipcia de memoria), pero luego te ponne puzzles que se generan aleatoriamente, así que no, simplemente no creo que estén bien diseñados para ser resueltos. El mayor ejemplo es que antes que "Steam" o "trailer", google te autocompleta con el nombre dle puzzle de la gente que lo ha buscado.

El juego te permite elegir de una forma bastante satisfactoria, pero tiene 4 indicadores que no creo que signifiquen realmente nada, las respuestas suelen ser bastante lógicas. Solo he muerto y tenido que reiniciar el cap 1 vez porque me despisté en un interludio, un momento donde solo miras al personaje no hacer casi nada durante demasiados minutos. Porque esa es otra, el ritmo es criminal. En 1 h y media la mayor parte de películas me han contado historias increíbles y este juego no ha casi empezado. También podría hablar del cansino efecto repetitivo de la cámara o de una música poco inspirada, pero por decir algo bueno, la traducción y textos si que son realmente buenos, se nota que ahí si han dedicado recursos. Aunque un doblaje le vendría que ni pintado. Se que es caro, pero ayudaría a empatizar muchísimo más que 4 bolitas que no llegan a ningún sitio.

My favorite concept in any videogame, but it's kinda dissapointing

For me this is a hidden gem on the Switch. Very story heavy game with a few puzzles thrown into the mix. It caught my attention cause of its premise and gameplay quote unquote gimmik. This game records and takes note of the time you're AWAY from the game. Also the time spent in game of course but recording time away is weird because of course why do that? More on that later. Lemme pour you guys some background info about the game. The main character of the game is Quinn. A therapist who woke up locked in a mysterious basement and the only thing there is, is a computer logged into a chat group. And the person that is in the chat room is... you. well not you as in you. I mean like us. The player. You become the only contact he has on the outside world.

Going back to the previously mentioned recording of your time away from the game. It kinda guilts you on leaving Quinn alone because really the moment you started the game his time will never stop. You the player can put down and quit the game but Quinn will still remain there all alone. He'll just wait for you because really you're the only hope he has. Also the more time you're away the less likely Quinn will trust you. Which leads us to my next point.

As you spend time with Quinn you can build a bond with him. You can check this when you pause and just a tiny trivia there are four moods namely Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Melancholic, and Choleric. And these four moods are actually derived from the 4 temperament theory of Hippocrates. Yay learning!

This time aspect actually propelled me to finish the game in only 2 seatings hahaha. But luckily I think the length of the game is just right. It's around 6-7 hours to complete. I finished my playthrough TIME 6hrs 48mins 59sec. and then my Time 'away' 14hrs 22mins 22sec

Anyway I think I've discussed enough to pique your interest and not spoil too much. The game is mysterious and short but the pay off is good. Try it out!