Reviews from

in the past

Thought I review this game before it gets taken down. Just amazed this is how the adult swims games publishing ends, horrible way to go.

Just a simple but fun 2d platformer. You die quick but you also move quick. It kind of has rouge lite elements but honestly you only unlock load out items that you can change at the start of the run, not really in the middle of a run. The game is tough so you're meant to restart constantly but it's still enjoyable.

Worth checking out before it's gone.

Roguelike dinámico y super super rápido. Para echar unas horas está bien.

Кровь, кишки, расчлененка, паркур, быстрота, мрак

One of the first games I played from Adult Swim. It's difficult to write about a game where the gameplay consists of a meat-crushing fall down. We are in some kind of tower with dead ninjas who need to be stopped... blah blah blah, who needs a plot when endless randomly generated rooms and a ton of deadly enemies and also various traps await you. Since we play as a ninja, we will have a huge amount of customization, a variety of bombs, weapons and long-range equipment.

Definitely, this game will be loved by those who like to act quickly and of course, the main thing is to have nerves of steel, you will die a lot.

Одна из первых игр издателя Adult Swim в которую я играл. Сложно написать о игре где, геймплей состоит из мясодробительного падения вниз. Мы находимся в каком то башне с мертвыми ниндзями, которых надо остановить.. бла бла бла, кому нужен сюжет, когда тебя ждет бесконечные рандомо-генерированые комнаты и тонна смертельных врагов и также разнообразных ловушек. Так-как мы играем за ниндзю, нас ждет огромное количество кастомизации, разнообразные бомбы, оружие и дальнобойного снаряжения.

Однозначно эту игру полюбят любители действовать быстро и конечно же, главное прихватить железные нервы, умирать вы будете много.

Super House of Dead Ninjas is a very fast paced game full of a lot of intense action and platforming. Its a game that requires you full attention because if you mess up even once, you'll be dead. This game doesn't pull any punches, but it gives you enough tools in your arsenal to really stick it to the enemy. Although the randomly regenerating maps don't always lend themselves well, this game is a blast to play in short bursts.

had more fun with this when it was a flash game, but still pretty good. not a ton to it.

uno de mis primeros juegos en steam, es un roguelike que es entretenido pero no resalta en casi nada

best played when you feel like going brainless and killing things