Reviews from

in the past

It's an almost-boastful statement, but Tachyon is easily up there with space sim classics like FreeSpace 2 and TIE Fighter. The contract-based yet branching nature of the storyline lends a refreshing sense of non-linearity while the combat itself has a sense of speed and frenzy not easily found in other games of the genre. Little details like the constantly-updating news feed help to establish a living, reactive setting. Overall, fans of space sims owe to themselves to play this well-aged game.

Unfortunately this game is not so good i wish it would be.
I like the voice acting in this game very much. I like both story branches, i like most of the missions and i like the universe-design that the player get some background Information through the well-designed newsfeed.

But what is wrong with this game?
First, it have some small nasty bugs, like some mission-scripts that do not work as intended or that you do not have the opportunity to deliver any contraband because the trade ship never show up.
Second, there is only one mission in the whole game, where you need to explore a region to find optional mission objectives. Also there is only one mission, where the wingman choice matters. Actually i wish, that they had used such ideas more often to use the potential properly.
But the last thing that is wrong with this game is its difficulty. The AI is simply too bad and too inactive, so the battles are far too easy. The only problem, that can really harm you are turrets on stations or capital ships. But the space battles itself are way too easy, so most of the missions have good design, but are totally boring, because you have nothing to fear. I do not need any missiles or wingmen in this game to complete all the missions without problems.
In my opinion a good game have to give the player some challenge, especially on its hardest difficulty, but that does not happen in Tachyon: The Fringe.