Reviews from

in the past

Really cool game but the unbearable loading times on the vita killed it for me.

Another one I want to like but get bored of pretty quickly, sort of like Jotun

Very simple, leaves some questions but those aren't the good part of the game. Such a great boss rush.

One-hit-kill, only bosses and bow!?! You should try it.

O conceito é daora mas não me agradou

Hard as f***.

Difícil para c**.

It's just not for me, you might like the game.

I'll start by saying that I haven't finished it, and in fact I won't put a rating, but I don't think I will finish it either. My intent was, after Death's Door, to just taste Acid Nerve's first work, without expectations.

And in fact I had no surprises, but that doesn't make it a bad product: a sweet debut game, with a pixel-art artistic style that works.
I played for just under an hour, passing the first macro-area, and I was able to understand what the game was based on (at least in the first section): boss-fight, boss-fight and boss-fight, ah, and you die on the first hit.
The combat system is more than basic: you can only shoot an arrow, and after shooting it must be recovered (with the possibility of calling it back to us). The fights against the "Titans" are puzzles: the game is in understanding where and how to hit them with your arrow.

My first hour was... nice. I got to defeat the first 4 bosses, and sample the next area.
These puzzles are simple but still stimulating, but it must also be said that you die many times. And herein lies my lack of desire to continue it: with each death, you have to retrace the map for about 20-30 seconds to return to the boss arena. The frustration due to this banal and stupid design error is unfortunately greater than the modest enjoyment deriving from the fighting.

secretamente um jogo de puzzle gosto

Me encanta la temática, el ambiente, lo sencillo y simple como es presentado. No me gusta los jefes, no es un juego para mi, puede que mi reseña sea más positiva si tuviese manos para jugar bien, pero no creo que sea condición suficiente

Supremely charming boss fight only indie game.

my first "souls" game, harrowing

A fun boss-rush game to test your skill.
I don't have too much to say other than it's good.
Fun, challenging fights, good music.

cool and fun little game. a lot like shadow of the colossus and im not mad at it, but definitely has its own flavor to it.

cara...o jogo é legal e tudo mais, mas a gameplay não é divertida, você matar um boss com um hit é tão broxante, talvez eu volte a jogar

Boss fights. Lots of them. They're cool. Love how the game keeps your set of actions very simple and builds around that in clever ways.

Apesar da grande dificuldade, após de adaptar aos controles, vera que é um jogo muito bonito, mesmo sendo feito por praticamente 2 pessoas, por isso acredito que uma grande obra de esforço, e merece muito

Bastante desafiador, pena que é bem curto

Uma ideia interessante, porém totalmente maçante. Um boss rush onde você renasce fora da arena do boss é o maior erro desse jogo e o motivo de eu ter droppado, ter de ficar andando desnecessariamente é um saco.

It's a good game. Very simple, but the bosses are creative with their patterns. It's hard, too, but never feels unfair. You always know where you messed up. There are a couple bosses that I think are a bit too punishing. Like, you figure out how you're meant to beat them, but putting it into practice is mostly luck. Still a great game, though.

La gracia del juego no reside en intentar esquivar los ataques de los boses o ser más rápido sino en averiguar el puzle tras cada uno de ellos para así derrotarlos. Una vez que sabes eso, cada boss es simplemente un paseo.

Um indie que consiste em ser um Boss Rush (bem difícil por sinal) e roda em qualquer PC batata

Muito daora!! A movimentação é um pouco dura em relação aos padrões de ataque mas da pra acostumar

A pretty fun boss fighting game that brought me back to my old Minecraft one in the chamber mini game days. It really challenges you to figure out an approach and opening for each boss which was satisfying and challenging. Beating it on hard mode was also fun as the game became more about execution than planning. My one major gripe about this game is that it makes you walk 10-16 seconds after respawning for a boss fight. I can't overstate how shitty of a design choice this is for a game you die in one hit in. Some fights last a few seconds as you try to figure out a boss and it is really annoying that there can be stretches where there is more walking to the boss than actually fighting it. It was also fun to see a lot of ideas for Deaths Door get their start in this game.