Reviews from

in the past

golf and boxing irl are so boring thank you miyamoto

A true classic to those who grew up with The Wii!

A very, very easy way to have fun with any friends. I am a big Wii Sports fan and I really enjoy the series, the gimmick, the music, the style, the miis.. everything. This is up there with Super Mario Bros. as a gamechanger. So fun

goated. will never be topped

This game is great! I remember playing this with my fam every time when i was younger. Than our WII broke so i havent played it since

One of the best party games, and a solid single player game

The perfect arcade game. Another type of game they'll never make again.

i played bowling once with a friend and he got so mad he stopped letting come over to his house.

I will beat your ass in boxing

Literally one of the most accessible games oat.

just a fun romp its nice that it came with the wii

Incredibly brave of Nintendo to make a game with 4 great sports and whatever Golf is

This game is a classic and its legacy speaks for itself. The game has a lot of personality, making it stand the test of time more than the fun mini-games. The little quirks like the Miis jumping when you throw the bowling ball backward and being able to put the CPUs against each other in Tennis are some of the things I remember most.

Der Grund warum ich ne Wii besitze. (mehr oder weniger)

One of those games you had if you owned the Wii.

It features a variety of different types of sport and uses the Wii's motion controls. Nothing too special, but was nice and had some funny moments like throwing a bowling ball backwards or when two players in tennis hit the ball right at the net.

it good, only if it was on a resort

best game ever i really love it slay

Such a good way to introduce casuals and kids to the Wii’s gimick

The classic game everybody who has a wii have! It's so fun to play this both alone and with your friends

O mais perto que eu vou chegar de ser atlético