Reviews from

in the past

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yiik is imo an absolute masterpiece of a game. the music is so so amazing i enjoy it every time i open the game or even listen to it while i’m driving it’s one part of the game i love. the characters? i absolutely adore even alex :/ ik alex is a douche and rly doesn’t change at all near the end but there’s smth abt him IG?? every other main character tho i adore they all have a special place in my heart 🫶 the story honestly is a bit eh for me especially how the elevator scene is only mentioned in chapter 1 and never spoken abt or brought up again, but after chapter 1 imo it does get slightly better?? around chapter 4/5 it starts to pick up slightly! the ending as well is one of my favorites i thoroughly enjoyed the main ending especially how the city is just so visually pleasing i LOVED that part so so much. and even the parts before it! the end game area definitely peaked design wise and was so pleasing to look at. i do rly enjoy this game and i’m so so SO excited for IV to come out i can’t wait :3

I genuinely don't remember if I actually played for quite a while before I dropped it, of if it just felt like that because of how slowly this game drags on

Curious about its latest updates

Legends say he's still "fixing" the game to this very dayyyyy.....OOOOOOoooOOOOoooO.

A really bad game, much of my complaints have been discussed by others who can articulate it better than me. But if I'm being honest I'd rather have a dozen YIIK's than the standard Freemium cashgrab FPS that seems to spawn every year or so.

Eu deveria odiar esse jogo, mas eu o amo

genuinely life changing in a "I can't believe how bad this shit is". Genuinely re-wrote my personality and now I view art, games as an art, and how not to make a game.

I think this is the highest form of art and one of the most influential games of all time, and I genuinely can't believe that everyone who's ever touched this game can always offer something new that's wrong about this game.

Game so bad I had to do a ASD test to see if my brain was still functional

i fucking love this game

Good if you understand what is "Author's vision"

Yiik gets a bad rep, the great unique artstyle and fun interactive combat system is one of the better rpg elements of the modern era, to say yiik offers nothng is a slight to the gaming world as a whole. im "yiiking out" over the hate this game gets as they say, i really want to point out that most modenr games are trying to be either darksouls or call of duty and yiik takes its own direction that SIKE IDIOT THIS GAME IS BALLS AND POOP but in all honestly its a 5/5 but ill take my own opinion and lowered to about a 3.5 to accommodate the trolls

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alex yiik dies in endgame

Gave it a shot. Didn't wibe with the battle system and even in the short time I played, I found the main character to be insufferable. I had enough of that when I was actually in college, I don't need a game about it.


I was going to give this game a 1 star, but then I remembered the scene where the golden alpaca appears and yells "LEMONADE!!!". That scene alone elevated the game to a 5 star masterpiece.

was actually pretty excited for this one, when it came out i did not enjoy it

made me yiik out

One of the most sluggish experiences I've had playing a game, battles drag on but the dialogue manages to drag on even longer

A cult classic that's legitimately bad for countless reasons explained away in a two hour RunningShine video, but made by "Two Brothers" who eventually got the hint and have worked pretty hard to salvage some of the bad stuff (improving the combat pacing and excess dialogue) and still has 20 hours of legitimate content.

While I never played the Earthbound series, I'm guessing this is the closest to "Mother 3" the West is are gonna get. So drink up.

im saying this on here because i will be dogpiled by my friends if i say it elsewhere. Its not as bad as everyone says it is. Its not good tho.

maybe the real friends we made were the dead sisters all along

Unless you are into SUPER analyzing stuff to find hidden meanings and the truth, avoid this game, the base story is really unfocused and convoluted with some terrible dialogue, development, and annoying moments, the gameplay is janky and not fun, with some really poorly implemented mechanics, the battles drag like if it is in molasses and the whole thing can be REALLY BORING at times, there are some moments I enjoyed and the visuals, along with the music, are quite nice, but other than that, it's a pretty terrible experience.

Side Note: You probably already heard about the controversies surrounding this game, and the creator, and as someone who hated this game, I'm here to tell you that most of them were either fake or exaggerated by Twitter and hack game journalists, the creator itself didn't even mocked gamers or anything, the audio was taken out of context by a bad faith actor on the Blue Bird Hate Platform, this game is not good but let's stop spreading misinformation about an innocent Indie Dev.

Pretty good article explaining everything.

YIIK Ver 1.25
Very alright, the main issue with the game is just what the creator did post release.
In terms of the game on it's own, the combat is alright although can get grating near the end. Some party members feel kind of useless. The story overexplains itself a lot, although that's fixed in the reduced mode. Definitely not as bad as people made it out to be but it's not amazing either.
I enjoyed the ending, even if I have some problems. The extra ending I didn't like even though I liked the area because I just don't care for Sammy.

I have such a love/hate relationship with this game. There are just so many seedlings of goodness, so much genuine quality hidden behind the most bizarre writing/gameplay choices I've ever sat through. Allow me to channel our beloved Alex Eggleston for this last portion, if I may:
This game exists in several states of being, all at once, simultaneously, at the same time. But wherever you happen to be playing from, whatever mode you chose to experience it with -- be it the Nintendo Switch or your PC, it's still possible to sense the truth hidden beneath the surface. Yes, this game feels half-finished, overambitious, underwhelming, deliberately confusing and at times un-playable. But at the end of the day, speaking for myself personally, I can tell a lot of love went into this project. It has more soul than most games could ever hope to have. I kinda feel bad for the devs, I hope they continue to work on this game, at least until they're happy with it and are ready to move on. As of writing this they're planning a big update, I'm looking forward to it!

No está tan mal, pero tiene alguna que otra cosa que madre mía. Es divertido e interesante, pero podría haber sido mucho mejor.