Reviews from

in the past

So, who's getting popcorn for this game's public execution on 2/7/2022?

Edit: rip bozo

Gostei muito do jogo e da ideia incrível de fazer um mega crossover de animes incríveis! Porém o jogo não é tudo oque eu esperava. Com essa ideia eles tinham um grande potencial que foi desperdiçado e me decepcionou. Os gráficos são lindos e as lutas incríveis, mas a história deixa a desejar além de outras mecânicas que poderiam ser melhores. De qualquer forma, vale o experimentar.

Can't we just get a Jump Ultimate Stars remake at this point? Because this is getting really embarrassing.

I don't know jackshit about anime so going in I only knew like 2 or 3 characters, I thought even though don't know any of the characters maybe I can enjoy the game for its gameplay.
I regret my decision to play this.

It's already bad enough that I like anime

I've found it, the fighting game with not one bit of soul in it, just an empty husk.

For real, as much as I dislike J-Stars Victory Vs+ for its jank gameplay, I have to admit the way it captures such a wide history of Jump with both popular and niche picks is rather impressive and at least gives the game some character, as well as accurately capturing their aesthetics. Jump Force might feel marginally better to play but the roster is bloated with characters from a handful of insanely popular franchises with only the odd pick here and there, all converted from their usual art-style into a very drab graphical style. It's hard not to look at this with cynicism, with no effort at artistry and only an attempt to print money by sticking big names on it.

played this with a friend over discord on release. when light yagami asked goku about the dragon balls i spit chocolate milk over my keyboard, had to buy a new one

The Jump Ultimate Stars game is the way you successfully pull of something like this. Why can't the newer titles have a power/progression system, for example abilities tied to manga panels that game had, or worlds that are actually in the titles (instead of the real world). Objectives in fights to unlock stuff instead of the same braindead fighting mission over and over. Why can't they have a bigger selection of titles to choose characters instead of the 6th or 7th dbz or naruto character? Minor characters in assist moves, smash like battles etc. The potential is endless.
A big budget game in this fashion i'm sure would do much better than what jump force is now. I already was disappointed by J stars for similar reasons, but this game does it even worse. This game has a casual western audience in mind (see character choices), and underestimates the popularity of manga and anime also for the lesser known series in the west. This should be a love letter to shounen jump like smash ultimate is to gaming. That's why you should let a creative team with passion for jump make it, not this soulless shit.

It sucks but Boa Hancock is so fucking hot

How dare they bring Yugi into this garbage

all u had to do was make this a normal fighting game and streets woulda dogpiled this one. the fuck were u thinking??

that last boss fight is pure bs

I just recently came across this toy and she was interested. The game is a hodgepodge! The foyer is similar to the Dragon Ball Xenoverse games, the combat is a mixture of the gameplay of the Naruto Ultimate Ninja STORM and Dragon Ball Xenoverse games. As for me, it turned out pretty good, if you don’t take into account the plot - it’s just for show. Be that as it may, this is the main game in which you can select characters from different anime universes, including not only the heroes of Naruto, One Piece and Bleach, but also My Hero Academia, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Yu-Gi-Oh! and others

this game has changed my life in ways i never thought a video game could

The best presented and most intricately designed fighting game I’ve ever played
The only flaw is that it doesn’t let me beat up Nobuhiro Watsuki

you all missed your chance...

this game is the reason my father left me

I've got something wrong with me because this game is genuinely fun and has great online. Some character choices are weird but by and large a good roster and a good gateway into shonen anime.

Ken is cracked

If by any off chance you find yourself in a conversation where somebody asks "what is an example of Shovelware with a budget?"
Just show them this game lmao.

This game gets a lot of shit but it is literally what the anime community wanted. Yall act like you want an indepth fighting game and then drop Tekken 7 after 30 minutes cause you dont wanna learn. Enjoy your simple fighting game with an amazing roster and solid gameplay. It is the same as the rest of the namco bandai cookie cutter crap. I had fun with it, the story mode is not very entertaining but thats to be expected and some of the models are off looking. Not a good game, but I wouldnt call it bad.

overly hated. janky dumb fun with friends

The fighting in this game consists of mashing 2 buttons over and over and hoping you win. the online is dead and you cant buy it digitally anymore. its kind of funny to watch how characterized all the characters are. also the game looks awful.

Don’t know how you fumble a game like this. L @ Bandai

Honestly if you love tenikaichi style of fighting games, this one is peachy. It can get pretty intense with going blow to blow. It’s a game gone for most people so big sad.

to disparage jump force is often blasphemy in fighting game circles. for many, this is the ur-fighting game, a dizzying concoction of tight and expressionist mechanics, gorgeous character models, and a dnb soundtrack that is absolutely fuego. it even has that little fundamental spice that all premier fighting games must aspire to possess: a disregard for balance. most modern titles would never dare nerf a character so significantly purely for thematic purposes, but then again, no modern title would ever think to include characters like ryo saiba or luffy.

still, what makes this game fascinating years on has little to do with any of its individual elements. fundamentally, it's the mood. it's a game that feels as though it was made on the verge of something great and unknown, and is one of those rare few titles i'll posit encapsulates a certain je ne sais quois, a snapshot of a particular zeitgeist heading into a new millennium. sure, you can point to the more overt references and stylings - strong anime influence, lobby theme, the incarnations of goku and deku in this game are maybe the rawest characters ever designed, kane and prometheus as an antagonistic force and its seemingly benevolent villain - but more importantly, it's a composite of characters who are just wandering, trying to find themselves in some instances or seeking mastery in others. there's no pressing tournament to attend to, and even the machinations of the literal venoms are vestigial, with its plotting mostly centered around biblical rivalry between tyrants. fighterz was originally just about a new generation - itself neatly characterized as 'of its time' - but jump force flips the script. rather than establishing new legends, this game is about characters unsure about what the future entails, about what their next move should be, about what it even means to continue fighting - they waver, they fail, they practice, they move on. even though these ideas are reflected in little moments (sanji refusing to fight women, frieza’s teleportation animation, your oc losing to prometheus but refusing to back down),even just aesthetically this theme is completely overpowering - its what imbues jump force with a kind of melancholic ambience, but also what fuels the players' determination to prove themselves.
even better, to this day, this is still the only fighting game that is aesthetically unique to itself. melee features worldly caricatures, third strike often feels like it lacks confidence or that it's missing something, street fighter 6 is nostalgic pageantry, and strive is a slipshod mess of meaningless platitudes with no direction. this is the closest fighting games as a whole has ever gotten to imbuing their games with unique stylings and SOULFULNESS; it's something that actually has character and personality comparable to a smash title. this, probably more than the joy of hitting a kamehameha, a detroit smash, or just getting in my opponent's head, is probably what keeps me coming back. Unite to Fight