Reviews from

in the past

They did not have to go hard on this shovelware Power Stone clone

A smash game but of Billy and Mandy, it's quite fun really.

i just realized i nEVER LOGGED THIS GAAAAAAME shame on me,
this is a pretty servicable and fun power-stone clone game, it has really fun locations from the show and everybody in general is a blast to play but I personally like maining Irwin because his win quotes get my funny bone

I saw someone else write a review on this page with a similar sentiment to mine sayin how like, I miss this era of licensed games. Every licensed game nowadays thats related to a show or a movie or something is doomed to being a mobile game or just a game with no support going forward because they base the success on ongoing post-launch online playerbase

But back then (god i hate getting older), oh my god you could make any crappy little brawler or wrestler or racing game or ANYTHING
people just had ideas to blow and even if there's a lotta stupid and borderline barely function to dysfunctional shit that you can rummage through when looking back at it all

There's some actual moments where you can really tell the devs Tried, they werent just slapped to a project for a paycheck but they genuinely did care about trying to make a fun game before the deadline. This type of shit with cartoons (and especially superhero content) has become so fucking homogenized that most of the time we're lucky if we even see a Garfield Kart to mildly chuckle at or a Multiversus/Nick All Star Brawl to shoot the shit with for an hour or two with friends on a boring night.

Oh right this was about a ps2 power-stone clone of billy and mandy uhhhhhhh YEA its aight

Solid enough as is for what it wants to be, see ya

Don’t remember when I completed this, but I do remember it was 2:00 in the morning and my mom told me to go to bed.

Um dos melhores desenhos já feitos e seu jogo não deixa a desejar bom demais

Best cover art ever. Just a girl PUNCHING PEOPLE IN THE FACE what more do you need?

I'm biased, anything Billy & Mandy is pure gold in my eyes.

That aside, this game is unironically a really fun party fighting game. I used to play this all the time and I even got to unlock the secret characters, the sentient pumpkin and the fucking chicken.

Great sense of humor, fun gameplay, wacky and dynamic stages, great character roster and references to the show, this game just has it all.

I 100% recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the show and never played this back in the day; it is fun on singleplayer and even more fun with friends. I will pick it back up one of these days.

Grim Adventures is a wacky Cartoon Network original that's the brainchild of one Maxwell Atoms. The premise involve two kids who end up befriending the Grim Reaper after he loses to them in a game of limbo, and now he's forced to live as just a regular guy in their small town, Endsville.

The format the developers chose to represent Grim Adventures comes out of left-field. Instead of being a traditional single-player adventure game, it's a janky 3D fighter reminiscent of Power Stone. Really odd.

The game has some adorable quirks, like with the cutscenes which do well in capturing the humor of the series. Plus, the stage transitions between matches are nice. However, if you aren't a fan of the show, you're really not getting a lot of mileage out of this one.

If you're not a fan of the show, you won't get a lot of mileage out of this game.

The most average licensed game you can think of. Playable yes, fun maybe, graphics are not good and originality is basically non-existent. Not the worst game in the world though.


Pretty solid 3D brawler, and kudos for making it feel more like the show as so many licensed games tend to miss that one point.
Also, why is Fred FredBurger of all characters so cracked in this game?

Mais um dos jogos de infância que zerei com meu primo, tenho boas memórias deste game.

Viste que shrek tiene un E-sport ? bueno, lo mismo.

best arcsys fighting game since Guilty Gear Strive

Fun power stone game where you can play AS Fred Fredburger.

miss this era of game adaptations. oh but I remember hating harold having to be mogar. it's like in brawl where wario has to be his warioware costume

Childhood game that I remember fondly and respectfully do not play because of that.
I played this so much that I unlocked the secret characters you get for playing 300 matches completely by myself, purely out of love for the show and the characters, which is sad because this game looks like total shit to me now.

You can play as Fred Fredburger need I say more.

Lembro q era um dos jogos que eu mais jogava no ps2, mas fui jogar hj em dia e vi que o jogo tem umas ideias legais mas em geral é bem ruim

HEEEEEEY, QUE RECUERDOS! LOS "FATALITY" ERAN GENIALES DE HACER EN LA WII. Ahora, ¿sera mejor que Shrek SuperSlam?, no se :[

Fun for about an hour at most - just play Power Stone or Shrek Super Slam

The game was okay. Just okay. The show itself was wonderful. This game is a fighting game but more of a party fighter, I guess you could say. It is a bit difficult to explain beyond calling it that. It's not a party fighter in the way that Smash is, it's its own thing. There is a story mode of sorts but there isn't a whole lot to it. There is also a "mission mode" in which you have to complete certain objectives under specific conditions and game modes, like capture the flag, stock battles, timed battles. that type thing. Completing these can unlock different characters, outfits, stages, and the like. Again, it's alright. Look into it if you wish.

power stone clone with god damn unfair ai

Played when i was a kid, honestly feels like a fever dream i barely remember the show or game. But i remember being fans of both. Pretty fun, i know i dumped hours into it as a kid. Playing this game unlocked so many memories.