Reviews from

in the past

Review EN/PTBR

My girlfriend said 10 seconds is too long coming from me


Minha namorada disse que 10 segundos já é tempo demais vindo de mim

Conseguir acabar cada nivel en menos de 10 segundos. En general divertido, a veces un poco frustrante, es un juego muy sencillo que te puede arreglar una tarde, y de vez en cuando volver a él para echar una partida rápida

vi pelo felps, mais ou menos sabe, premissa daora mas sla, definitivamente é um jogo onde tu é um ninja matando robos nazistas, é isso

neat and polished lil game that breaks down speedrunning to its purest form: strat-finding, exploring different possibilites, and executing them perfectly

é um jogo extremamente barato e simples que te prende com facilidade, é legal pra passar o tempo.

A polished but spare little game that digs at the perfectionist impulse of speed running for its core gameplay mechanic. You have 10 seconds to destroy all the enemies in each level, and the key to "solving" each level is to find the most time-efficient path of slices and shurikens to shave seconds off your time. It's very easy to complete the levels - I finished all of them in around 20 minutes - but the real challenge, and I think the real meat of the game comes with the agonizing streamlining of each stage, so that you can get those three stars needed to unlock the bonus worlds. I don't really care for minmaxing in games, so this just wasn't much for me. Looks and plays nice though!