Reviews from

in the past

Ugh, I didn't like it at all. Not sure why I actually finished it.

I realize that it's just a little game made by a single person and also very cheap, so I didn't expect a lot. But I at least expected to have some simple fun. I didn't.

Guess it just wasn't for me. I never got into the gameplay and it's also really ugly although it at least has a very unique look to it. You just do the same thing all the time in levels that look the same all the time.

A very nice and short psuedo-metroidvania. You gain abilities and can come back to get stuff you missed, as is par for the course, but there is essentially only one path that you are heavily recommended to follow, lest you stop making headway. Main concept is fun, a paint the world type gimmick. It took me maybe three hours to beat 100%. Definitely worth the 5 bucks, but if you can get it on sale, even better.

A solid enough puzzle platformer with metroidvania elements. Didn't really stand out in any meaningful way as this kind of aesthetic has been done again and again but not everything needs to.

Lost points for me a bit with the map design (it was so small/grainy that it might as well have not existed) and the boss encounter. Both of which were blemishes on an otherwise fine game experience. Would love to see a sequel or similar game attempt from the same dev, there's a lot of potential here.

A neat little puzzle platformer, but its aesthetic could only carry it so far. interesting, but not compelling.

An obscure indie metroidvanias, mostly being based around its light puzzles. Hard to get a hold on initially, but it starts feeling more fun once you get another ability or two and have more control over how you traverse the rooms (the early game is a lot of fumbling around aimlessly). It does what it does pretty well in the short playtime and I'd like to see a more polished successor if the dev is still active.