Reviews from

in the past

An interesting attempt at making a bullet hell-sports-roguelike arcade game, but fairly difficult to really get into. The control scheme isn't too smooth with the gameplay, and i found the ball wouldn't show at all times. not sure how one would make this more viable without motion controls.

Simple ball dangling and rangling game, fun while I last

took me months after playing to realize the point of the name of this. I really like the variability that comes from the shots/knockback. By this I mean like, it's very not repetitive because of the mechanics. It feels fresh all the time

My depth perception isn't good enough for this.

It feels rare for even a small experimental game like this to completely and unapologetically shift genres 2/3rds of the way in after getting used to the surreal hybrid of tennis and bullet hell, especially in a way where despite it being out of left-field it still feels cohesive, but goddamn, this was excellent.

Que joguinho feito com amor, eu consegui ter acesso a ele graças a um contato que tive com a Dev no Twitter e da para vê o quanto ela é apaixonada pelo seus projetos, e deu pra percebe ainda mais jogando
tudo aqui é bem simples com um estilo de gameplay bullet hell misturado com um jogo de tênis, oq eu genuinamente achei uma combinação muito gostosa de se jogar, com um pôs game tendo um estilo de gameplay totalmente diferente, oq eu também, achei uma surpresa
Pixel Art simples com poucas cores, o character designe realmente não é tão memorável
Mas as musicas desse jogo... são fantastica, elas grudam na sua cabeça, e todas as vezes que vc tem que repeti uma fase, vc vai se motivando mais ouvindo a OST impecável desse jogo, não teve uma única musica sequer ruim
Em soma é isso, vão atrás, pesquisem, essa eh uma perola indie que não pode ser esquecida

Really well executed game! Love the music and the look of the game, but I absolutely did not click with the gameplay at all, which is really upsetting to me. It is definitely worth checking out though.

Gameplay is solid but the storyline feels like it's being fake deep and angers me.

I thought it was neat at first but this game kinda just pisses me off. The tennis thing is neat even if it isn't really my thing but I liked the weird open world exploration part a bit better.

The story was weird but it was interesting until the end segment where you play tennis infinitely. I went at it for a good hour and realized that it just wasn't going to stop so I went to quit and the game had the gall idea to say "No you can't quit." Honestly that kind of thing with games just piss me off and ruined the entire experience for me.

It's a simple, addictive little thing that manages to develop a really interesting, vaguely unsettling atmosphere over its handful of areas. "Bullet hell tennis" is a really strong concept in and of itself, but I can appreciate that there was clearly a (mostly successful) effort here to say something and have a neat little minimalist, kind of meta story to give the player an incentive to see it through to the credits. Also if you're interested in this game don't look at the trailer because it spoils something kinda neat that happens towards the end