Reviews from

in the past

This game really makes you feel like an Urban Champion.

you probably don't believe me but yeah i did beat it

i dont know why i bought this as a kid on eshop it just sucks its like the kind of video game they play on like suite life of zack and cody except turned into a real game

Out of all the NES games to get the 3D treatment for the 3DS, you chose Urban Champion!?!?

There should be more remakes of terrible video games that do nothing but bring said terrible video game to a new dimension.

they completely remade this with 3D models for some ungodly reason. Genuinely baffling that they wasted resources on a remake of Urban fucking Champion

Everyone keeps hating on Urban Champion, but I actually thought if was fun and endearing. A nice little NES game. It even holds up a lot better than, say, Zelda 1 or 2 in my opinion.

enhances the experience with amazing videos and a progression system