Reviews from

in the past

...Does this game even have an ending to it? Does it even still exist? We got gifted it once and played it maybe like 2 times.

def a "i am a child and can only play the free games on steam" type beat

this is the kind of game you find on steam for free when you first make your account and then never play because its terrible

"I am a kid and do not have any form of income" type game

Boring, bad and barebones.
The only reason you played this is because you were so bored that you looked for free RPG games on Steam and this hot garbage came up first.

this game is so much NOTHING. the most i feel playing this is pure frustration. there's no learning. no excitement. no fun.

the combat is 4 directions, up down left right. It's got 2 melee weapons that behave the same but with different stats and 2 guns that are awkward. it handles Very badly, there's no excitement in it. no fun.

navigating the world is confusing because of the camera perspective. understanding height is nigh impossible. understanding levels to buildings is nigh impossible. enemy tags often show up without the enemies being on screen because of the way levels to buildings work. it's a disaster

visually? ugly as shit. terrible art style. the most ambitious buildings still look bad. the building system isnt good again because of the perspective issue. the variety of blocks is rather poor

its interface is archaic. you gotta use a chat command to edit the text in signs for example. get used to /tele. not its worst sin but it's weird since it has an ui already

its gameplay loop is boring and depends on content with no quality control. sometimes you find the treasure within 2 seconds of entering the portal sometimes it's impossible to figure it out because it's so cluttered visually aaaaaa and then the users make mazes and barrages of enemies you must fight with the terrible combat and they keep respawning

as far as "mmo" functions go its got like nothing as well lol

the leveling progression makes no sense. theres 5 levels in total. you'll get to 3 in 30 minutes and then never play it again because it's garbage but a lot of it is levelwalled behind level 4 which takes an annoying amount of time to get to which you again won't spend because it's garbage