Reviews from

in the past

> spends hours training aim
> opens VALORANT
> goes to range
> aim.jpg

my aim got better by playing actual games

I played 30 minutes of this! Now I DEFINATLY won't get bullied online!

Solid training shooter game. You can customize it to train for every game


Good for improving FPS fundamentals

I mean I’m in the top 0.1% in Perception so this “game” is worth something

edit: now precision as well

aim lab mesmo estando em fase beta é muito bom para quem quiser treinar a mira, mesmo tendo alguns bugs de vez em quando. eu treinei por uns 30 minutos e dps fui jogar uma partida de valorant e ja melhorei um pouco

Not really a helpful aim trainer

gridshot will not turn you into tenz

actually really helped me get used to the mousee and keyboard coming from console but at a certain point u just need to play the actual game

It's such a great game to practice my controller aim. Becauase I wish I could play some games, without having to sit still in my chair typing the keyboard and mouse. So trying to play atleast few maps everyday just to get better with the Xbox elite v2.
Also, for the keyboard and mouse training - I imagine it's also a great practice, no matter what shooters you're playing

Game #92: Aimlabs

Apart from its "Improve your aim!" part, I like this as a chill game that I can play without thinking anything while listening some music. A nice way to pass time but nothing really special.


cool aimtrainer with a lot of features, quiete buggy and unstable

I suck but i dont feel like getting good

Kovaaks is uglier but 100x better

It serves its purpose to train your aim with several settings.

It does what its supposed to do, you actually get better at FPS games. And its free, so extra credit for that.