Reviews from

in the past

I mean I’m in the top 0.1% in Perception so this “game” is worth something

edit: now precision as well

my aim got better by playing actual games

> spends hours training aim
> opens VALORANT
> goes to range
> aim.jpg

I suck but i dont feel like getting good

Fun to challenge friends and get new high scores!!!!!!

just play shooters over and over again 4head

I played 30 minutes of this! Now I DEFINATLY won't get bullied online!

Sinto que preciso jogar mais kkkkk, mas é um assistente para treinar a mira fantástico!!!!!! Além de ser grátis, só não dou 5 estrelas pq não usufrui o máximo dele.

Not really a helpful aim trainer

It serves its purpose to train your aim with several settings.

Kovaaks is uglier but 100x better

Good for improving FPS fundamentals


I noticed no real improvement, at least for the 5 or so total hours I played, and I found the game felt kinda uninspired in most aspects.

I'll just play the actual games if I want my aim to improve.

seems good, not sweaty enough to use it

It does what its supposed to do, you actually get better at FPS games. And its free, so extra credit for that.

my aim is still shit 10/10 trainer

aim lab mesmo estando em fase beta é muito bom para quem quiser treinar a mira, mesmo tendo alguns bugs de vez em quando. eu treinei por uns 30 minutos e dps fui jogar uma partida de valorant e ja melhorei um pouco

cool aimtrainer with a lot of features, quiete buggy and unstable