Reviews from

in the past

the game's fine if you already enjoy miwashiba's work, but the story felt a bit underwhelming. i just couldn't really get into it. visuals and character designs are cute as always, with a nice soundtrack accompanying. i enjoyed "lieat" a lot more.

I have 8.4 hours on the game. last played June 4, 2018. I remember beating the game but don't remember the ending. the game looked cute and I like games with hints of spookies :3

I would like to revisted and get the other endings and refeash the story.

A good narrative, characters, and lovely pixel art and sketches with gentle puzzles and very very light horror elements all wrapped up in a bite-size package.

You can also play tetris.

Lovely graphics and interesting story. The soundtrack is amazing. I do recommend it.

Alicemare es un "rpg" pero realmente en lo que se centra este juego es en la historia y en sus personajes. La historia es interesante ya que trata temas como los temores y traumas de los personajes, a su vez cada personaje toma inspiración en cuentos clásicos como lo son Caperusita Roja o Pedro y el Lobo. Es de esas obras tipo Evangelion que dan mensajes profundos que sabes que son importantes pero que cuesta entenderlos y tienes que leer entre lineas y sacar tus conclusiones para entenderlo.

No es un juego del otro mundo ya que hay varias cosas que deja de desear, pero lo recomiendo para pasar una tarde aburrida, puesto que su duración es bastante corta, incluso sacando todos los finales.

Charming world for us weebs. Overall super short but cheap and also pretty cool character art/moments. Bite sized asf in a good way.

Needed more time to really do something


waste of time.
art, music, aesthetic is on point but the story isn't interesting at all nor did i feel anything other than frustration playing the game (due to the dumbass riddles). i didn't grow any attachments to any of the characters and i have trouble even remembering each of their names. the moments that were supposed to be emotional left me feeling nothing. the game was too short and offered too little while expecting me to shed tears at the tale it was telling.
A+ presentation, D- everything else. not even the tetris minigame was even good (how do you mess up tetris?)

was aware of this but never played it during the height of my rpgmaker era and i gotta say..................... im pretty neutral towards it. the character art is nice, the story says what it wants and doesnt overstay its welcome. i was always under the impression it had more horror stuff going on but it doesnt and thats fine.

a quick and enjoyable game to bust through in a couple hours but i probably wont think much about it after this

One of many RPG maker games with no combat at all, the story mixes its main narrative with elements of several fairy tales, but I found that the story itself was too simplistic for my liking, nonetheless, it's a short game and doesn't feel longer than it needs to be

eu tenho tanto amor por esse jogo, eu tenho as partituras da ost dele até hoje e faz anos que eu não encosto num piano. falar dele faz meu coraçãozinho se Movimentar... mas cá entre nós, a área da stella é muito chata, o tetris é inútil e algumas coisas nunca foram bem explicadas. talvez tenha mais info na novel, mas eU TO JULGANDO O JOGO

a nice short game that IMO achieved exactly what it set out to do, though not much more. enjoyed it nonetheless. the visuals are great and the story holds up.

As a kid i didnt like the game, well, i was a kid. It was one of my first rpgs and i didnt understand why it was considered a classic. I replayed it in one sitting yesterday, and my opinion changed. The story isnt all that unique but the storytelling, characters and scenes are-- Of course, its a miwashiba game. I still dont find it all that special, but it was very enjoyable.

Un poco edgy y con demasiados puzzles

j'ai lancé, j'ai joué 8 minutes et ça m'a saoulé, faudrait que je reprenne avec un guide

mid game and puzzles, but i love tetris

cute art style but puzzles and story are boring af

Art, designs and some puzzles were nice. I didn't like the story.

Boring, uninspired puzzles. Stopped when they did the one where you have to bring a fox, a rabbit and a cabbage across a river. Might revisit but lost my patience fairly quickly with this one, so it might get better later on. Spritework on the characters is pretty good.

pretty interesting, of course not as good as other games like IB, but I won't do that much comparison. good characters.

Firstly, before getting to the review proper, this is the section where I want to comment on Miwashiba's extremely odd obsession with wanting people to play their kinda shitty version of Tetris they made. As I explained in my 1bitHeart review, that game forced playing either Tetris or Puyo Puyo on you if you didn't just max out your currency automatically. This one has the perhaps even weirder presence, with a NPC in every single area whose sole purpose is to ask "Wanna play The NuTetris?" and takes you to the... exact same version of Tetris with no point to it besides an achievement I did not bother with. What is going on here.

Anywayyyyyyyyyyys, Alicemare is the final of the 3 completed game from Miwashiba, except it's the first one they released due to me playing their gameography in reverse order. With this being the first game, the art understandably lacks a lot of the style that added so much to 1bitHeart and LiEat. However, even without some fancy aesthetics coating it, the game still holds fairly good and unsettling vibes. Each world you enter feels like some twisted fairlytale you are picking at the wallpaper of to reveal its truth.

The game does feel a bit rough around the edges and unfocused in parts. The puzzles are largely fine, certainly not to the level of Ib's puzzles (which I still feel are the gold standard of the RPG Maker games I've played). Many of them are moreso riddles than puzzles, with a couple bafflingly obtuse. One in particular I had to look up in a guide, and I still do not have the faintest clue how I was supposed to arrive to the solution.

Thematically the game also feels a little muddled, with the first bit of the game suggesting literal transfixions of classic fairytale stories, such as Little Red Riding Hood, just for it to be dropped halfway through. Still, the game has a couple of nice little stories that wrap together well enough. While I was left rather confused after finishing my first playthrough of the game, my second playthrough where I cleaned up the rest of the endings, including what could best be considered the true ending, shed a lot of light on every little aspect of the game and provided a satisfying enough closure to everything. The game also does something clever with its use of XXXX (you will understand if you play the game) that I did not pick up until my second playthrough that added a lot for me.

If you were to play the game yourself (I'd recommend it), look at vgperson's guide so you can clean up every single other ending on your second playthrough. I appreciated how easy it was to see them all in quick succession, as opposed to how a game like Ib makes most of its endings fairly mutually exclusive. However this game almost necessitates seeing most/all of its endings to put together all of the puzzle pieces as opposed to Ib's much more straightforward story, so it makes enough sense.

I was nervous going into this game after my experience with 1BeatHeart. When Miwashiba has provided me experiences of both impactful highs and incredibly frustrating lows, a just something pretty good all around, I was worried to be left feeling they've made more misses than hits. But thankfully, Alicemare is another short but sweet experience! Despite its shortcomings, it was a nice little dip into an interesting world I wouldn't mind seeing more of but at the same time feeling content with what I got.

I will never get over the Tetris thing though serious what the hell is up with that.

Do not remember much of it, but I think it was cute and great

nunca entendi direito, mas acho legal e fez parte da minha fase rpgmaker

Jogo cheio de referencias à Alice no País das Maravilhas, mas tendo seu próprio universo e uma história "obscura" com vários personagens que você interage e conhece mais de suas vidas trágicas. O jogo tem VÁRIOS finais e a maioria deles não explica nada, você precisa ser bem atento pra pegar o final verdadeiro. Você também precisa ler bastante coisa que não está em evidencia para entender melhor o que está acontecendo ali. Os puzzles em geral são fáceis, mas tem uns que são bem chatinhos. É um game curto, muito curto e também muito fácil de platinar. Talvez você o ache bom, infelizmente eu não achei.

Vale a pena você jogar caso curta essa vibe de contos de fadas sendo historias de terror ou tenha pego ele no Miwashibundle (que foi o meu caso). Mas achei os personagens rasos e os motivos principais por trás de tudo muito vago, tanto que até lançaram um visual novel para complementar a história do jogo.

Existe uma tradução não oficial na internet...dá para você usa-la no Steam, basta substituir o executável e o arquivo wolf. Mas se o fizer não irá conseguir pegar as conquistas (ao menos aqui foi assim). Outra coisa é que, ao menos para mim, a tradução deixou as falas dos personagens mais infantis do que já eram. Não sei se foi impressão ou uma adaptação que não combinou, enfim. Acabei jogando em inglês de todo modo pelas conquistas.

Una historia acogedora, me gustó

Przyjemna sesja. Ciekawa, intrygująca historia, miejscami wręcz niepokojąca, umiejętnie doprowadzona do końca (aż mi się prawie zrymowało)
Dobra pozycja na kilka wolnych godzinek.

Interesting puzles, a cute story and the graphics are truly beautiful. Worth the try!