Reviews from

in the past

very fast and fun gameplay, more than makes up for both its meh presentation (music and design work) as well as having no rollback netcode

The best fighting game I can't recommend to anyone

what are those six exclamation marks even doing there

why are they extending

i love the arcana heart franchise and is one of my favorite fighters along with chaos code and under night in-birth
but i can't deny that it has a very poor netcode and i barely see someone playing it

better then xneoblade 3 this game is secretly godlike. give it rollback and it'll be an underground hit like xenaoblade 3 look ouyt you m other fucker i think herat is a better protaoonist than noah


arcana heart if it was TERRIBLE

Heart Aino is the most autistic video game character I can think of

Played this in an arcade and downloaded it on my steam deck; was surprised at how fun and innovative the gameplay was! Just wish the game was a bit more filled with content.

Great fighter with fun characters and mechanics. Sadly the netcode is ass and nobody plays it. If you can get a friend with stable connection to play it and/or like playing arcade/story modes it's 100% worth it. It has a bunch of single player content it's pretty good.

it just doesn't hit for me as well as other examu games, but I do like it. Sucks the community is ass though, and the netcode is unplayable.

Now draw her getting rollback netcode