Reviews from

in the past

It was special in 2009, its still special in 2024.

Gameplay wise almost everything it does is done better in Brotherhood. The origins of Ezio and his journey is what you play this game for and its still impactful and emotional as it ever was.

The multiple cities feel unique from one another and are perfectly crafted with the parkour in mind, not an afterthought. Venice in particular is a standout, but all of them all fantastic.

Except Forli, that place blows and ubisoft should be ashamed

A real step up from the first game. The story is an exhilirating tale of revenge that really gives me such a fun ride every time I play through it. Only bogged down by side missions and such that feel like they aren't very fun to play through.

Assassin's Creed II continues the story of Desmond Miles as he now trains to become a modern day Assassin. To do this, he will live the life of his ancestor, Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Ezio's story is one filled with loss and revenge as he takes on the Templar Order. This is a direct sequel to the original Assasin's Creed and greatly improves on the existing mechanics. Each assassination takes a unique approach as you learn new skills and use more tools. All of these new mechanics are greatly integrated into the overall story as we see Exio grow up and become a Master Assassin. The Deluxe Edition includes two lost sequences that fill in a time gap from the original game, definitely worth playing. Great controls and smooth performance, although the graphics are outdated these days.

mais pro meio fica muito repetitivo

Great game that improve everything in 1 with a frustrating stealth

eu tenho uma relação muito de conforto com esse jogo. eu joguei ele numa época da minha vida que tudo tava horrível e eu só queria desistir, um amigo me recomendou esse jogo, baixei a tradução pirateada e só fui e porra, isso aqui foi minha felicidade por meses, por mais que ele seja curtinho.

amo tudo nele, a ambientação principalmente de veneza e monteriggioni, o combate por mais que tenha ficado datado eu acho tão divertido e a mecânica de parkour também, até este verme deste vilão eu acho bom, só não gosto muito da história fora do animus como a grande maioria, mas não estraga o jogo em momento algum pra mim.

parece exagero mas eu amo muito muito o ezio, pra mim ele é top 3 protagonistas da história, ter de amadurecer tão rápido pela família, não só por vingança mas por amor, eu amo demais este filho da puta!!!!!!!

jogo de conforto da minha vida, vou jogar e rejogar várias e várias vezes e acho que nunca vai enjoar <3

Ezio is without question, one of the best characters in gaming history.

The best Assassin's Creed game I've ever played!! Super invested in the story from start to finish <3

Assassin's Creed II, my beloved. This is where the series starts to find its footing and starts getting some engaging storytelling going. The parkour is more polished than Assassin's Creed, but I did find myself missing the ability to vault like you can in the first game. Combat is more of the same, enemies circling you and coming at you one at a time as you counter them. The story is surprisingly enjoyable and interesting. The time jumps are disorienting but watching Ezio grow as a character is incredibly satisfying.

For some downsides, this game does require a mod to bring it up to modern standards - EaglePatchAC2. Additionally, the game definitely starts to drag in the final third. Killing the 9 lieutenants and then having to collect the codex pages if you weren't already can definitely feel like you're just doing busy work waiting for the game to end.

Overall, a 7/10 game, worth playing as it's the start of Ezio's story, which is a trilogy that is absolutely worth seeing through.

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The bad guys hung my bros and daddy so I killed them...with style.

Definitely better than the first game. Time hasn't been kind to this game, in my opinion. A lot of what AC did that felt fresh at the time became the template for so, so many open world games. To this day we still get games where you have to climb towers to reveal stuff on the map. Even Final Fantasy VII Rebirth does this!

There's certainly more variety in this game compared to the first. I do enjoy the little dungeon areas you can find that are platforming challenges. I've always wished that AC had more Prince of Persia in its blood. The combat in AC has never been good, so I wish the platforming could at least have a bit more depth.

Also Ezio a better protagonist than Altair.

This game is literally what it promises, a better version in every aspect of the first, I'm even thinking about replaying it just to remember how good this game is.

Before I say anything, I really LOVE the opening sequence with Ezio as a teenager, a dispute between family boys because one of them had it with the other's sister, gets into trouble for it but still continues to have the meetings with her and have sexy time? Now THAT was funny, especially the fact that we beat the f out of Ezio sister's boyfriend for having an affair was just fantastic. Modern games should take a lesson from this to be more open and not afraid to show a bit of flavour to not be so PG-13 with everything, even mature games now a days.

Without further ado, I recently replayed this game because of nostalgia, at first, I thought this would ruin the awesome moments I had playing it. But, in reality, it made me love the game more, giving it a 5*, it's my favourite Assassin's Creed game by far from my memory and it's going to stay that way, this was my first game I ever played on a PS3. I didn't remember much about the story after 15 years but now that I look at it, it was enjoyable, it was not as laggy and buggy as I was expecting it and it made me want to continue with Ezio's trilogy to see the story unfold again.

Now onto more of the gameplay critics even 15 years later, the parkour was a massive improvement from the first game but sometimes a bit clunky and the assassinations mechanics were an upbringing with 2 hidden blades instead of 1. Also, the combat was a bit unresponsive but what do I expect when I play on a more responsive machine that has more framerates, it did make it a bit more challenging to actually counter attack but it was still easier than I imagined.

Overall, it emblazed my love for gaming again and I want to play more games that are just like this (I will play older games), no bullshit, not being woke, sometimes silly when it needed to be and the seriousness was enjoyable as a story.

A great, great game that stands tall amongst the rest of its era. Great mechanics and an engaging story.

Assassin's Creed é um típico jogo que combina fatos históricos com uma história original sendo uma forte certeza que seria um jogo genérico não é? Pois bem, a Ubisoft conseguiu fazer o que eu diria como quase impossível que é fazer um jogo espetacular misturando uma história original com fatos históricos

Great game that still holds up. Doesn’t feel repetitive at all. The controls are probably the worst thing about this game. When they’re good, they’re decent and when they’re bad, they’re terrible.

Nossa como esse jogo envelheceu e hoje é ruim de jogar. Não digo só dos graficos mas a propria jogabilidade e principalmente a historia. Sofrivel jogar.

This game has a terrible villain.