Reviews from

in the past

The biggest problem with this game is the tutorial. The game doesn't do a great job teaching you how its movement mechanics work and you end up running everywhere full-speed and jumping up random things you don't want to jump up because you don't realize the difference between running with R and running with R and A so you end up jumping when you don't want to because you shouldn't be holding down A unless you want to be jumping soon. Also the game can be a bit wonky with how it interprets which direction you want to jump.

Still, this is a great game and a fantastic starting point to the franchise. This was my first Assassin's Creed game and I'd recommend it to everyone. You do not have to play the earlier games first, just jump right in. Beware that the starting is kind of boring especially your first three quests for your family, but once you get past that and the game really starts, this game takes off and is awesome. There's a reason this is many people's favorite Assassin's Creed game. If you want a taste of what Assassin's Creed is all about, they made a live action short film that kind of covers a little bit before the game and the starting of the game and it's fantastic, check it out:

This was one of the first 7th gen games that I played when I was younger, so it holds a special place into my memories.

What the game does well at this point is well-known: you'll be assassinating people (either stealth or not, up to you), run through roofs and jump onto bales of hay. and that, no matter how much time passes, is hecking fun.

It's surely an incredible advance compared to the first Assassin's Creed, but even if slightly better it falls short in the similar issues: repetitive combat, clunky movement and camera, boring collectibles and puzzles.

The movement and the hopping around was a pretty big thing in those years, but it definitely didn't age magnificiently.

The combats are as boring and tedious as the collectibles, an infinite wait for the enemies to attack so you can either counter or side-step. Not only that, but the assassination is sometimes (luckily not too many times) hit and miss, sometimes it works as you want and sometimes it doesn't, usually fucking up the stealth.

The glyphs and the "puzzles" were mostly so stupid that I gave up doing them even if I were to find a glyph halfway through the game. Give me an actual puzzle instead of a "find a png with a 10% opacity on this painting", please?

The lines felt like they were written by a twelve years old and everytime you assassinate someone where time "stops" for a little bit to hear them saying something, you'll be left wondering if you just witnessed two Oblivion NPCs.
This issue makes the character feel very.. forgettable, except for certain rare cases such as Caterina Sforza. Ezio itself isn't the most incredible charming character either, as again it seems to be the fantasy of a twelve years old.

In the end it's an ok game because of the historically semi-accurated setting, existing and well-portrayed places (considering its limitations, obviously) and because zwing-zwang, blades and all that stuff. It'd probably be a 2/5 if it wasn't for the nostalgia factor.

I seriously need a break before Brotherhood or I'm gonna burn out though.

Diferente do enfadonho AC1, Assassin's Creed retorna com mais um personagem carismático (Altair é mto bom, mas o Ezio é bem mais explorado) porém uma estrutura muito melhor e mais agradável, refinando e ampliando as mecânicas de stealth, escalada e de combate, sem falar do Level Design.

Uma surpresa bastante agradável pra quem sequer conseguiu terminar o primeiro jogo.

The game that made the series popular, doesn't hold up.

Iconic Christmas present right here.

A much improved game from the original.

Um dos melhores da Franquia, Ezio é um ótimo protagonista.

Writing: 4/5
Gameplay: 3/5
Art Design & Visuals: 3/5
Voices & Sounds: 5/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 4/5

Gameplay is meh, but I love the setting of Renaissance Italy. I hope it gets a remake.

Mi favorito de la saga, lo tiene todo.

Ezio is pretty cool huh. (but the battles and objectives are repetitive af)

The only AC I've ever played, and it turns out climbing around renaissance-era Italy is pretty fun. I remember being really impressed with the graphics at the time. Paid about zero attention to the whole modern era animus part of the plot though (did anyone really?)

Phenomenal core traversal and murder mechanics crushed under the weight of all the tedious chores and terrible dialogue this game expects you to slog through for hours between every assassination.

Definitely the best AC game.

Easily the purest form of Assassin's Creed. Everything still holds up quite well after over a decade, and I quite enjoy it more than the more recent entries in the series.

This game is thoroughly Okay, and also it kind of ruined Assassin's Creed forever. Instead of developing the slow plodding info gathering and stealth mechancis that, granted, weren't that great in AC1, they made it more actiony, and that's just not as interesting to me.

A huge improvement over the first game in numerous ways. It's hard for me to say whether this or Brotherhood is the best AC game, but this definitely marks the start of the high point for the series.

Sorprendentemente, no tan bueno como recordaba. Sigue siendo entretenido y sus mejoras son más que bienvenidas.

Pero esa historia tan caricaturista contrasta demasiado con lo serio que se tomaba la primer parte; los enemigos TAN aburridos y sosos. Dejar de sugerir para comenzar a ser más bombasticos -cosa que no está mal, pero se extraña el manejo que tuvieron en la primer parte.

Las ciudades son preciosas y el mundo es increíble de recorrer. A veces, por que estar yendo y viniendo a ciertas ciudades para repetir misiones termina siendo algo cansado para la mitad del juego.

Dios da y dios quita.

Great story great gameplay great soundtracks, really a masterpiece

Iconic soundtrack, protagonist, setting and story. Arguably the best Assassin's Creed game. God I hate the new ones.

hay gente que tiene tatuajes de estos juegos

10 years ago this was my favorite game of all time. I still love it but not as much today. I'd say it's #10 in my top 10 now. I honestly believe the series peaked with this game and its been a downhill tumble ever since.

It's fun going around the map and doing flashy parkour. Compared to Breath of the Wild, its movement feels completely obsolete, but it's still fun, even if a bit more superficially so.

I'll have to go back to the game one day.

god towards the ending it drags soooo longggg, but this game is amazing