Reviews from

in the past

When I started this mod, I had no context for it. After I played it, I learned that it's highly regarded as a well-known early Half-Life mod. And that came as a surprise to me, because in my experience this is a steaming pile of dogshit. Dragging Kate along with you is so annoying, not just because the follower mechanics are broken and buggy (although they are), but because she will constantly run into the middle combat and get herself killed, which is a fail state. It is so frustrating to fail because the AI was being an idiot, through no fault of your own. But the biggest fault of this mod is the god awful level design - just endless winding corridors full of locked doors, with no clear direction on where to go and what to do. And it doesn't even look good visually! I guess you should play this mod if you want to experience the early history of Half-Life modding, but there are way better early mods and you should know what you're getting yourself into with this one.

Azure Sheep es... bueno a medias

Azure Sheep es divertido... pero la primera mitad es muy... MEH, talvez soy yo, pero no logro entender bien la historia, se supone que Adrian nos ayuda? Gordon Freeman nos ve? como exactamente conecta todo con el juego original?

La segunda mitad me parecio mas divertida a excepcion del final boss, talvez haya sido el hecho de que ya contamos con un objetivo mas claro y que tenemos que gestionar nuestra municion, junto a intentar que no muera Kate a la par que no muramos nosotros... tan solo me gusta, se nota que la primera parte estaba hecha mas como una coña y la segunda ya la habian trabajado y pulido mucho mas

una de las cosas que mas odie y que se podria haber evitado facilmente fue el tiempo de cambio de armas... es tan lento y varias veces he muerto a causa de eso, debido a que un enemigo me dejaba a nada de vida y otro me mataba o tan solo uno me metia un granadazo o escopetazo y me mataba de una

La batalla final es... bastante injusta en mi partida... resulta que ya para la segunda mitad del final me habia quedado sin balas de casi todas las armas y me quedaba la ballesta y la escopeta... tuve que volver a un punto de guardado anterior y intentar guardar toda la municion que pudiera... fue demasiado dificil pero se consiguio

Azure Sheep es un mod que sinceramente, siento que esta bien hecho a medias y que a pesar de eso es muy disfrutable

This being hailed as one of the best Half-Life 1 mods I am thoroughly surprised and disappointed by how poor of an experience this is. I’ve decidedly abandoned it about an hour and a half in.
Despite being more than a whole hour in, I have not found a single piece of armor. What’s worse is that you find HEV charging stations and batteries lying around that you can’t pick up. (Blue Shift did a similar thing but it actually gave you replacement body armor and helmets as an alternative)
The game tends to use large empty arenas with usually 5-7 or even as high as 12 H.E.C.U. grunts despite not giving any precision weapons (other than the handgun. But you try using the fucking handgun while being surrounded by 12 machinegun toting H.E.C.U. grunts)
But the worst offender by far is the decreased weapon switch speed. In base Half-Life it is damn near instantaneous to switch from gun to gun. But here it takes nearly TWO FULL SECONDS.
As I said prior, the way the poorly game handles arenas and enemies as well as the lack of precision weapons makes you use the MP5 almost exclusively as it’s the only weapon in your arsenal with any remotely decent range, and the long weapon swapping makes you want to switch guns less which only worsens this issue.
A lot of the H.E.C.U. encounters just end in fleeing since combat feels sluggish and you have no armor.
Not the worst Half-Life mod I’ve played but its insanely overrated. It’s just bad Blue Shift.