Reviews from

in the past


To my friend who gifted me this on steam, thank you good sir.

I give Beat Banger a liiiight 6

It's an ok adult rhythm game. However, i only have eyes for one mildly incompetent dev team working on a cartoony-rhythm game that revolves around sex.

review as of v2.92
honestly really amazing it has so much heart and soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's literally got everything you'd want, a fun game, really good art and music, and lovable characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah so uh yeah mhm yeah uhm

It's a pretty straightforward horny furry 3 key rhythm game with very active devs and an active modding community to add additional animations songs and characters. And it's free! Does what it says on the tin, very lightweight but scratches a rhythm itch when you want it.
(written for 2021 demo)