Reviews from

in the past

I guess the graphics and controls are fine, but good lord everything else blows.
The gameplay loop of doing busy work before the actual levels is extremely tedious and not at all fun, not to mention pointless. Also the actual levels themselves often aren't great, being pretty dull, especially with QTEs they all seem to have in some form.
Don't play this, even as a joke it isn't worth it.

lembro de jogar isso antes mesmo de ter visto o filme, gostava muito de dirigir dentro da colmeia e de jogar os minigames. acho que nunca cheguei a zerar de fato, talvez nem seja bom assim mas na minha memória é.

I remember liking this one for whatever reason. It's like Mr Mosquito but shitty.

Adorava jogar no ps2, soq eu era burro dms pra saber oq fazer então eu só ficava andando de carro pelo mapa e eu adorava

the crazy taxi mode was peak

The best movie-to-game adaptation. Peak Content

Ian mcwhiggin's favorite game

Buzz Buzz. GTA wanted to be this so bad.

the real levels are generally cool ideas and entertaining, especially when you fail quicktimes, but the game demands you grind a ton of monotonous jobs between levels and it totally ruins everything. kinda like life
bonus points for ya like jazz? being included eventually

I played part of this game as a kid because there was a demo of it in the Shrek the Third game. It kinda sucked and the demo would always crash at the end.

What, you want more than that? (sigh) Fine.

According to all known laws of aviation....

muito bom de vdd, nunca passei da parte dos sapo mas é foda demaise, sem comparação


seeing this unlocked some memories

Okay.... I know what you're thinking, "What are the positives in this game? What are the pros?" And to that I will answer it. Let's see. Well... the voice actors return to voice the characters. Besides that...? No.... There is nothing else that I can say is good about this game. Let's see... Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is okay imo.... Sonic 06.... that game is VERY BAD. This game? I absolutely hate it.

The jobs that you have to do in order to progress through the game, is some of the most boring, repetitive, annoying, and tedious parts of the game which makes it completely drag on and on and on. It feels like it is trying to make us fill in the game's length time. It just feels like filler. On top of that, there is no indication of when you are even supposed to advance in the story. You might ask that if I at least have fun with the jobs? No.... No I didn't. They aren't even fun at all. Not that the jobs are hard at all. Just boring and tedious. For the combat sections against the wasps, all you basically do is mash one button to go through. That's what I did and it just made me so bored. The cutscenes didn't feel finished yet since there is no music in them. Just this dead awkward silence in the games' cutscenes. The voice acting felt so deadpanned and "I only want a paycheck" from how uninterested everyone sounded. The human boss battles are just the same. Just buzz around, dodge an attack, QTE, rinse and repeat. Nothing really interesting. Also the humor is just awful. Bee Movie had so much great humor and yet for this game, the humor felt so dry. For example, there is a joke where Barry has to follow Montgomery through a long chase section and then it was revealed that the place where we need to follow him to... is across the street. Why on EARTH would ANYONE find that funny? Please tell me why would anyone find that funny?

Overall, this might be one of if not the WORST Dreamworks game I have ever played. Hell this is one of the worst licensed based games I have ever played. Hell this is one the worst games I have played OVERALL. This is one of the most boring, tedious, annoying, obnoxious, games I have ever played. I never want to play this game ever again. Unless someone paid me too- actually no. Even if someone offered me money, I still would never play it.

Played this for a charity stream. Never again.

The Bee Movie Game is probably an good DreamWorks game, I’ve heard of the 2016 bee movie memes about “ya’ like jazz?” Which is hilarious, I remembered watching half of this movie when I was little, I also vividly remembered playing the demo on Xbox360 when it was on Shrek The THiRD for Xbox360, this game I’ve finished on Wii is very decent, the graphics is good, the gameplay looks cool, the music is fine, the cutscenes are meh (neutral due to how cheesy the cutscene animations are alongside most movie tie-in games back then), the boss fights are easy to beat, and it’s just good like that

I give this game 8.0/10, pretty good movie tie-in shovelware DreamWorks game ever beaten in my opinion

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.

Even as a kid who liked The Bee Movie I thought this game was bad.


Loved playing as a bee and doing my silly little bee job in the beehive and outside on the fields hehe. It was nice that the game followed the film almost exactly how it was and I loved driving around the bee city and doing the side jobs for some reason. There was a few glitches where the audio cuts off but maybe it was just my version. I replayed it countless times and the ending credit is very unique!

Oh my goddd why did I put so many hours into this game as a child. Honestly it probably could've been worse as far as licensed games go.

Go watch the movie instead.

eu amava esse jogo quando era menor, bastante difícil na época