Reviews from

in the past

Yuri VN game for adults where you play as a girl named Alex. She's your average girl who one day gets a hold of a mysterious video game, that sucks her into it's world. She must now defeat the evil Succubus Witch, Asmodea, to be able to return home from this strange world of the video game.

The artstyle is stunning and all the characters are very pretty and hot. There is lot of great scenes for the girls and there are several endings, good and bad, that you can achieve. The "animated" CGs are great, though I wouldn't really call it animation when it fades between a few frames. The frames ghost around each other and it is a little annoying to look at, hurts the eyes a little bit too. Other than that I had no complaints about the look of the game.

The story is quite uninteresting, too rushed and not all that well written. It is apparently translated from russian, as there were a few spots that had russian words left in, and the translation isn't all that great. You understand what they tried to say, so the point comes across, but it doesn't sound good and takes away from the game quite a lot.

For the cheap price it is, I would say it's a good experience, though I still can't really recommend it, as I didn't really have fun with it, and it was really short and uninteresting. If you want to see pretty girls have sex then I guess you could enjoy it.