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Such a game for such anime would leave a huge room for a good game but sadly this one was a game that you would beat and leave forever, even if you want to play online I couldn't find anyone to play with and what the game do is just put you against bots which is good if you want to platinum the game

Bem ruim, gameplay preguiçosa e entediante.

Black Clover is one of my guilty pleasure anime, I am a huge fan of this series, and I genuinely was curious when I heard that there was a team-based multiplayer game aspiring to be MOBA-like in its nature.

However, despite my bias towards this series, I am deeply saddened to report that this game is indeed shit. I will cover the positives first... as there aren't many.

It's really fun that this game offers you a large selection of Black Clover characters to play, each falling into one of four categories, each with their own role in the team, and each character with a unique moveset. There are tonnes of alternative costumes and almost all of the beloved characters are present to play with.

The visual presentation works well in places, I think the 3D models of the characters are fantastic, as are the 2D sprites, and we even occasionally get some animated cutscenes that I'm pretty sure are animated by Studio Pierrot.

Other than that, the game falls flat completely. Firstly, if we treated BCQK as if it was an arc in the manga, it would be filler and terrible, as it is non-canon and extremely uninteresting, the vocal performances are incredible as they are in the show, but the narrative is honestly so boring I wouldn't even recommend sitting through it even if you are a huge fan of BC.

Secondly, the campaigns are repetitive and a cakewalk and I really hated repeating the missions to satisfy the various requirements for the 100% completion. The map variety is weak and bland, and often replayed several times in a row throughout the story.

The multiplayer is completely DEAD. You will never witness another living soul in your games, be prepared to play against broken bots who either run into walls or absolutely obliterate you. I'm honestly surprised the servers are even still running. And attempting to win a game with each of the characters, for the 100% completion, against these bots took me several hours that I'll never get back.

BCQK's combat is absolutely atrocious, sometimes you'll direct attacks that will instant kill an enemy, other times they will sponge these attacks and you will randomly explode from a crossmap longshot from Yuno. I am so disappointed with this game that I feel genuine anger and annoyance when I type this.

It's such a shame that when anime games try to break the mould and experiment with new genres other than generic 2D or 3D fighters they flop hard. I so desperately would love a Fire Emblem styled game with the Black Clover houses and characters. Please hire me Bandai Namco, I have so many good ideas for you properties.

I don’t think very much thought was put into this. It some ways it feels like a true definition of like a “movie tie-in” game. Really simple with popular characters. I do think there is maybe depth to the combat but it just didn’t grab me enough to find out.

The different characters play wildly different and because you are given hardly any instructions apart from how to use Asta, it can be hard to use other characters (not that the game likes you to do that unless it’s for a challenge tick). I love Luck but I just didn’t understand how to use him. Charmy too. Most of the time the CPUs played the game for me.

I didn’t try online because I’m genuinely not good enough. I think anime games can be hit and miss, I played Demon Slayer earlier in the year and really liked it. But this just didn’t click. It’s pretty dull. And the story mode is 10 battles long. Which is about maybe 2 hours then some postgame that I did 2 episodes of and left the rest.

I've never seen or read the series and had no idea this was a MOBA before playing. It ain't good.

There are many anime games that deserve your money more

Si el online no estuviera muerto sería divertido

Yeah, the game would be better if it was an RPG, but going to what the game is (that follows the same formula that Naruto To Boruto have), it actually have 3 main problems
1 - Almost no one plays it, so the online (that was the focus) is empty
2 - The main campaign is very short, even with the Yami's side
3 - It released in a bad timing, since very few people liked Black Clover back then
I can recommend it on a sale if you are a fan of BC just like me, but at full price better pick up another game

Update: I forgot that "promotion" and "sale" doesn't have the same meaning. Where I live, we say "promoção" to refer to any of those words

Very fun! 3 on 3 was great. Animation and characters were great. A bit janky. Try to find a private discord server if they're still up.

How are you gonna make a Black Clover game and not make it an RPG

Another Bandai Namco anime game, another disappointment. The story is alright but the gameplay is just not great at all. The story is like 4 hours long and the online mode is dead. I did have fun for 2 hours though.

Dans l’idée c’est vraiment pas mal mais personne ne considère ce jeu.