Reviews from

in the past

Fun short student made souls like game for a student game its very well made and i look forward to what they can do in the industry check this out its free and worth your time if you enjoy souls likes.

Extremely short, which is to be expected of a free student project. But also extremely impressive. There's some issues, sure, like how janky the main character's animations are and how it feels very unoptimized but the game is extremely impressive in both visuals (artistically and technically speaking) and also has a very unique and fun gameplay style. One thing that stood out to me was the one boss featured. Because it showed that they know how to make a cohesive game that plays to its strengths. I feel like with this kind of project, despite the unique gameplay I almost expected the boss to just be some big guy that is fought regularly, but no it was a well-designed boss that completely fit the game. Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but that's how it felt.

Honestly? I would love to see this developed into a full game.

Tipo dark souls só que feito por um estudante, bem feitinho até

A good 30 minute student project soulslike with the twist of being entirely ranged-based (as such, mouse and keyboard are recommended over gamepad). Stick a bunch of spears into an enemy, then detonate them for massive damage. When you die, float your spear around to find and possess a kneeling knight ghost to respwn with half health. Looks great and it offers one dungeon and one boss fight ripped straight from Zelda.

The main problem? It's locked at 30 frames, which makes aiming precisely more cumbersome than it had to be.

Worth a play being free and so short it requires virtually no commitment.