Reviews from

in the past

Sights & Sounds
- Borderlands has such a distinct look with it's bright cel shades, thick outlines, and neon lighting effects. It's certainly very "extra", so you either wind up loving it or hating it. I think that everyone will like the (non-desert) environments, though, as the maps all look excellent
- The music, particularly for some planets, is excellent. I'd sometimes just play the Maliwan Takedown to hear the sick synthy beats
- The voice acting is mostly good, but some characters are incredibly annoying. It's probably due to the writing, which is awful (more on that in a minute). I know it's possible to make a good teenage character because I've seen them in other games; they don't all have to be one-note annoying

Story & Vibes
- It's a Borderlands game, so rest assured that the writing is terrible. I can only assume that when the writers weren't penning dialogue, they were all eating paint chips in the corner
- The story is bad too. After having an excellent, charismatic antagonist in Handsome Jack in BL2, the villains in BL3 are a notable step down. Maybe several steps
- The vibes are all "wacky" and over the top. I've been playing BL games since the first one, so that flows off me like water off a duck's back. But if you're new to the franchise (BL3 is actually a good entry point), you maybe not be able to finish the game due to all the groaning you'll be doing
- At least the Vault Hunters are all good. I mained Fl4k but did play a little with each character, and I actually liked their personalities and quips

Playability & Replayability
- As ghastly as the writing is, I'm happy to report that BL3 is a very fun looter-shooter if you're the type of person who enjoys them
- The gunplay and motion both feel good regardless of whether you're playing M/K or with a controller. Just note that the physics are very floaty
- The selling point in BL games has always been the randomly generated guns that pull from various pools of gun parts to give you a mostly unique gun every time one drops. You'll be up to your neck and comparing gear in no time
- The legendaries are some of the best in the whole series, and picking your favorites and building around them is a ton of fun
- If you like making builds, this is a great game for it. I loved min-maxing my Fl4k into a ammo regrating, rocket dispensing death merchant
- A lot (and I mean A LOT) of the good gear is unfortunately hidden behind DLC, so I'd recommend getting one of the deluxe editions on sale. The base game is a considerable step down in terms of play time and quality
- One of the best features of BL3 is crossplay. It was nice to play with my friends on PS4/5 and Xbox without any platform concerns

Overall Impressions & Performance
- As much as I can see the warts all over this title, it was the game that pulled me back into the gaming habit. I found a nice group of guys on Reddit, chatted with them on Discord, and really got into build crafting and sharing tips. I still think I've rated the game fairly, but I may still be biased
- I played about 600 hours of this game on PS4, and it was a laggy mess that made me think my console was going to catch on fire. When I switched to PC, however, there was a massive improvement

Final Verdict
- 7.5/10. Definitely a step down from BL2 in terms of writing and story, but a step up in terms of build-making and gunplay. Just ignore the story if you can and enjoy the all the shiny guns

É muito bom mas a gearbox exagera na "graça"
Ignorem as DLCs, só a do Jack vale a pena

its a very fun loot'n'shooter game, but it can get a little repetitive at times.

Super solid looter shooter

Its a fine game. Its shooting and graphics are marginally improved over the previous titles but they were not well crafted for their time in terms of being an fps shooter and the same can be said for this. There is better shooting still in mid to late 2000 games. The gun variety and some returning characters make this not a complete bore. Zero and Rhys really shine while compared to their co-cast.

Idk, its just missed potential, so much more could of been done with the twins like have the 4/10 "leech" brother character get a chance to take over and capitalize on it but they stick with the 2/10 sister character and even get rid of bro early.

Some of the dlc were "fun" but this is my least fav borderlands for sure.

I love this series so much, and sure this game runs a lil short on story, but this is my favourite gameplay of all time next to sunset overdrive. I gave the second game 5 stars for the story and how replay able it was. I’m giving this one 5 stars because it blows replay ability out of the park. the characters are great, game mechanics are at their best, and we have more to do then ever before. it’s a great love story to the rest of the series and it’s just the most complete borderlands game you can play. I just love it

Borderlands 3 é um jogo divertido, te prende por horas e a gameplay maravilhosa te dá uma satisfação imensa, porém a história muitas vezes é um saco. Metade das piadas são engraçadas, mas a outra metade é piada de tiozão do pavê ou adolescente chato.
Algumas missões secundárias são um tédio, a trilha sonora é incontestavelmente boa, os gráficos são lindíssimos, mas a região de pântano é muito feia, como um pântano deveria ser, mas ficar metade da campanha naquele lugar é de dar dor de cabeça.
Os vilões desse game são um porre, jovens dinâmicos tramando altas peripécias por pura diversão, sério... um saco.
Quase todos os bons personagens estão aqui, mas são MUITO mal aproveitados e outros personagens que eram ÓTIMOS simplesmente não existem ou são citados em algum áudio aleatório perdido por aí.
E o maior problema desse jogo, o preço. Esse game tem não somente um, mas DOIS SEASON PASS (?????) o pacote que deveria te dar todas as dlcs (pelos menos as de campanha) foi dividido em dois, sério, beira o absurdo.
A versão ultimate aqui no Brasil custa 500 fucking reais!!!
O jogo é ótimo, mas tem tanto defeitos menores que vira uma bola de neve que fica maçante.
No geral o jogo é bom e é isso

Borderlands 3 is probably the best in the series in terms of gunplay and addicting loot leveling. The story itself is nothing to write about but it is serviceable. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Zane as my Vault Hunter.