Reviews from

in the past

It’s a game to be sure. You can play as Claptrap though and he’s like actually peak. But let’s be real, it’s pretty shit. It’s horribly balanced, the main quest is good when Jack is speaking, but when he’s not its ass. And the game itself just isn’t very charming.

I didn't understand the 10h cinematic of oiled up Claptrap twerking but it was ok

The (second) best Borderlands game!

I think after the heights of Borderlands 2 made a lot of people overhate this game. It had a pretty decent story, still good jokes, and probably better DLC and game systems than BL2, just doesn't have the iconic factor to it.

can't be worse than wonderlands

Was the first Borderlands I played in full back when the Handsome Collection just released. I had a lot of fun with this game and I thought some of the new mechanics were really cool like laser and glitch rarity weapons. A lot of the returning legendries from BL2 are neutered in this game and don't really feel "legendary." This sort of killed the game for me since most purples would suffice due to how drastically toned down the legendary rarity as a whole was. Some of the best weapons were locked behind SHIFT which was disappointing. I do think that this game had a couple of cool easter eggs compared to BL2, at least from the top of my head. Namely the Sonic and Mario easter eggs. It's a shame this game was left mostly unfinished because it could've been really great, I still think Claptastic Voyage is one of the best DLCs released for this series.

Feels a bit too overhated for what it is. Definitely short, the writing isn't great (though it's Borderlands, so I don't expect much), but I found everything fairly fun, even in spite of some of the worse segments. Fragtrap is my favorite vault hunter in the entire series.

the story itself is good. pcs are good. npcs are good but jesus christ the movement itself makes me avoid this game like the plague. i got so over the low grav after like 15 minutes

Jogo super divertido, mas meio reciclado do Borderlands 2 com algumas mecânicas diferentes. Recomendo pra quem curte a franquia
Obs: zerei com 69h

pior borderlands, podia ter sido uma dlc

A great game with an obnoxious story. The Borderlands characters, generally speaking are pretty poorly written and annoying, but the gameplay works. The third one is a bit better in that regard, and this one does bridge the gap between the worse writing in 1 and 2 to that. A small step up, but still nice. The game is what you expect if you've played a borderlands game, with a couple extra neat mechanics thrown in.

El peor de los borderlands aun con lo que me gusta poder jugar a Jack el guapo.

This game felt similar to a hollowed-out shell with a borderlands 2 exterior but a weak, forgettable story and boring characters on the interior. Not to mention the replay ability is so low with a huge lack of bosses and good loot to farm.

Como Borderlands, não tem muito a oferecer na replayabilidade.

dont know how a borderlands 2 spinoff could be so meh

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is a mixed bag, on one hand its basically just more Borderlands 2 which is great, but the whole thing feels really stretched out. In all honesty there is a lot to dislike about TPS, but there is also a lot to like.

Let's start this off with all the things that are basically the same as Borderlands 2. TPS is made in the same engine as Borderlands 2 so graphically it looks the same, still that charming cell-shaded style but no real improvement. I don't think this is a negative though especially considering it only came out 2 years after BL2. The Gameplay is mostly the same, you get a couple of new tricks like the double jump and the slam features from the o2 kits, which deepens aerial combat, which wasn't really a big thing in BL2. Also i noticed the guns don't feel quite as good as they do in BL2, it's not like they're bad they are still pretty good just not amazing.

The story is probably the most mixed up part of the whole game. We get to see how Handsome Jack became a villain which is pretty cool, but for some reason they stretched out the story way further then it should of been. It really feels like this was supposed it be a massive DLC that was stretched out to be its own game. The whole thing is mostly forgettable, but as an Australian i do kind of dig all the Aussie references and jokes.

The Vault monster in TPS is actually really good though. I was surprised considering the first 2 vault monsters aren't anything special, so to see an actual multi phase fight is a welcome surprise.

The Vaulthunters in the TPS are great. you can make some really interesting builds across the 6 playable characters and they are all pretty fun to play. The voiced lines is a welcome inclusion, even if it's minimal and doesn't change anything, having your character voice their opinions about whats going on is still really cool to see, and gives them way more character.

The Pre-Sequel is a solid inclusion in the borderlands series, It's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be but its nowhere near the peak of the series.

first i played for 12 hour then i ended up with cheat engine to have fun
its too slow and not that fun like borderlands 2 so you better play 2 or 3

Mechanics were a lot more fun than 1 and 2, and I'm sad that they didn't keep some of it. Though I do recognize that it was a different developer than usual so maybe they didn't want to use their work. Janey best girl.

Muito da diversão se deu por jogar com amigos

Perhaps it was the atmosphere in which I played Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, or perhaps it's because the humor just isn't for me anymore... The Borderlands franchise just doesn't seem to be for me.

I can't make too many comments about this game, as I only played it for about an hour, but for the first hour or so I wasn't fully impressed. Enemies soaked up bullets like sponges to water, and I often felt like my shots did almost no damage.

Again, I can't fault the game fully for this, as perhaps this is a game mechanic and I'll get stronger and better guns as time goes on? But for the first hour, I really struggled.

The humor has become quite dated- I am playing this 10 years after it released. While some jokes are timeless, Borderlands' humor stems from "wow look how colorful and wacky our characters are acting!" It feels a bit too... teenager, for me. I'm sure I would have loved this if I played it 10 years ago. But, unfortunately, this type of humor just doesn't do much for me these days.

It doesn't seem like a bad game- I'm giving it a 3 out of 5. I'll definitely go back and try and play some more. But again, for the first hour or so nothing really got me excited to pursue it further. I feel like I'm giving it a second chance out of obligation, rather than picking it up because it's fun.

And isn't that what a game should be? Fun? Shouldn't I feel excited to get off work, have a weekend full of free time to be spent playing a game? I know I've felt this way about other games... just not this one.

Good, yeah a game where you can fly in space with zero gravity, drive around on the moon and fight against giant bugs/robots/bandits, is actually a good game, take queues Starfield.

a game that got more flack than i think it deserved, i see this game as the unpolished little brother of two. some good ideas but ultimately didn't hit.

Has a strong narrative and aesthetic identity but it’s just Borderlands 2 again gameplay wise.

it wasnt that bad, really

p i c k l e

Wished it was Borderlands 2 in space