Reviews from

in the past

Fun fast paced 3D platformer/infinite runner game.

Такие игры для мобилок бесплатно дают, а тут мне пришлось заплатить аж 7 рублей

I remember when this game originally launched and there were only the first 6 levels on it. It was a really great time killer on my potato Android phone, lol.

Eu não sou biólogo, mas se meus estudos de astrologia não me enganam, isso é mais difícil do que fazer química quântica de verdade!

don't know shit about particles BUT I do know that this game is really fun to 100%

its short, compelling, i find myself deleting my save and replaying it when i get ill

Fun, mindless platformer. I like playing it to avoid my responsibilities.

It took me five years to beat every level... and there aren't even that many levels.