Reviews from

in the past

It's a dopamine bomb roguelike, cool i'd say

For its price, It's an excellent choice

Addictive with fair amount of challenge. Soundtrack was a pleasant surprise!

fajna gierka zeby sobie pograc troszke ale nie dla osiagniec, polowa postaci nie jest ciekawe i mozna robic to samo, nie bede klamal polowe postaci zrobilem na poziomie 0 bo mi sie juz nie chcialo, moze jestem gupi ale jest jak jest, znudzilo mnie to

Acredito que joguei por alguns minutos e já sinto que vi tudo que poderia ver. A jogabilidade é como Vampire Survivors, que já não é interessante, e simplifica bastante. Não é um jogo quebrado, pode ser interessante no celular.

Brotato is....fine. It does not bring anything new to the genre but it kinda get a bit creative with the items

Love this game, mindless fun. More interesting than vampire survivors

Esse jogo é simplesmente muito viciante.

É algo meio bobo no começo, enquanto tu não entende bem as mecânicas e a complexidade do jogo em si, e não sabe traçar estratégias, etc. Porém, conforme tu vai pegando mais ritmo e experimentando outros personagens, armas, pensando em abordagens para cada nível... o negócio me fisgou demais.

É dificil definir um objetivo para considerar ele "finalizado", mas eu ja consigo superar o loop final com alguns personagens e a diversão meio que fica por conta da diversidade de táticas. Mas preciso seguir a vida, logo, dar um tempo de jogar, mais para experimentar outras coisas do que por enjoar do jogo, que é bárbaro.

Para mim, isso é videogame no seu estado mais puro e cristalino. Que é como sempre deveria ser.

Muuucho contenido, todos los personajes se sienten diferente. Recomendado

A fun enough auto-shooter, although I wish there was a bit more variety and perhaps some meta-progression to work toward. It was great how each character has very different rules - which forces you to change up your strategy for each one. I also liked how the RNG biases toward decisions you've already made, so you can influence what kinds of build you would like to have while still retaining some level of randomness.

I do wish that there was more variety in terms of the map - both the physical map and the types and waves of enemies that spawn. As it is, you play each character on the same map and the enemy waves are the same each time, which creates a feeling of repetitiveness. I also wish there was some sort of meta-progression. While each character you win with typically unlocks a new weapon, that wasn't enough to make it feel like I was growing with each run as is common in rouge-lites.

This is the kind of game that is best played if you have 30 minutes here or 30 minutes there to put in a run, rather than playing it straight all the way through. It's quite fun in short bursts, but rather grindy when played in longer sessions.

this game has become a joke among my family so to learn that it is moderately well received was a culture shock. What do you see in brotato. He doesn't even look like a potato... he looks like an egg...

После выбивания всех ачивок могу ответственно заявить, что это неплохой клон вампиров, который вполне подойдёт если вам захотелось чего-то на подобии вампиров. Лучше оригинального концепта эта игра не стала, но пойдёт.

The only good arena shooter. Rot in hell, every other vampire survivors-like

This harkens to both vampire survivors and flash games of old. It's like eating a bag of hershey's kisses, pretty good but goddamn could you be doing ANYTHING better!

Just an almost idle progression numbers go up video game. Perfect if you wanna listen to an album or podcast.

É um jogo bacana pra jogar enquanto tá no tédio

its pretty cool i dont think its amazing but yea good game especially as cheap as it is

Solid roguelike with a fun gameplay loop, plenty of different items and weapon options that affect a seemingly endless list of different stats. However, it's hard to feel the difference between builds in similar archetypes since there's so little enemy variety and only one arena. Still good fun especially as you unlock more unique characters, but could do with a little more in some places and a little less in others.

A clone of Vampire Survivors, about potatoes, a very interesting concept, but we are waiting for more weapons and variety. A big plus is that you can customize the game yourself as you want, changing the difficulty.

Клон Vampire Survivors, про картошечку, очень интересная концепция, но ждемс больше оружия и разнообразия. Большим плюсом идет, что игру можно настраивать самостоятельно как хочешь, изменяя сложность.

A decent VS clone that is missing some of the best parts of that game such as unique stages, secrets and crazy characters. What's here, however, is pretty decent and fun with a different structure than other Auto shooters with a stats based upgrade system. Recommended if you are done with Vampire Survivors and want more.

A vampire survivors- like game where numbers go up while and you can look up in-game what those numbers mean

it's not a bad 'vampire survivors' clone. the art style kind of reminds me of binding of isaac or an old flash game

In the genre of autoshooter roguelites, this game clearly stands head and shoulders above the rest. Such an elegant combination of familiar mechanics weaved together into a flawless system of skill and luck, amplified by near-perfect execution on all fronts.

It goes like this: you pick a character and a difficulty and just survive 20 one-minute rounds. After each round you upgrade your character’s stats like speed or damage and then go to the shop to buy weapons and items with money, which is dropped from killed enemies (you have to go pick it up on the spot of the kill) and also contributes to the level bar which allows you to upgrade your character as mentioned before. This all sounds very basic as every game in this genre basically plays like this, but the genius of the game is little tweaks to the systems that exponentially elevate the experience.

First of all, the map is a somewhat small square, unlike the infinite maps of other games, which forces you to play more aggressively in between packs of enemies instead of circling a big horde ad nauseam. Enemies in other games usually come from outside the screen in a big circle you are always the center of, but here they spawn wherever on the map even right next to you. It forces you to stay aware at all times of dying instantly. In this genre you almost always go for dps and once you achieve a good enough start only then start worrying about your defensive options, because enemies always spawn a distance away from you and are usually killed before they could feasibly do a thing to you. Not here, you actually have to be aware and build you character accordingly while being careful to dodge the x marks that show an enemy is spawning. Also there are trees that periodically spawn on the map that drop money and occasionally free items when destroyed. They are top-priority as soon as you see them and have to reach them quickly because early on they can take a few seconds to destroy if you dont have good enough dps. The combination of the limited time and map + the way enemies spawn + the trees works so well to fix the biggest criticism of this style of game, which is that you move around and hope for good rng to make you win. To do well at the game you have to get in there between the enemies to get money, dodging like neo from the matrix, moving around to check for trees and trying to maximize your rounds as much as possible. This alone actually makes the game worth playing and theres even more somehow.

By far the best thing about this game is the enemies. There’s only about a dozen of them but they complement and complete each other beautifully. From basic melee grunts to chargers to projectiles and buffers that get away from you. But my favorite two enemies are the ribcages and tentacles. Ribcages are tanky heavy hitters that get faster the longer they are alive, and tentacles don’t attack you straight on but shoot two attacks at an angle so you can’t really go around without getting damaged. On their own they make for a good challenge but if your build is lacking and you cant really move around the map and get stuck at a corner and these guys come at you you can kiss your run goodbye. Of course cant forget the bosses that can spawn that provide interesting challenges and movement checks. The best part is that you don’t even have to kill them if you absolutely can’t, you can just play normally until the timer runs out, but killing them is recommended if possible because they drop legendary loot. It’s so refreshing to see how far a game can go by just having an interesting enemy roster, it’s definitely one of the lost arts of design nowadays.

I don’t want to stop. I haven’t even talked about the surprisingly well implemented endless mode, weapon set bonuses, the amazing mod support or the banging soundtrack and art style. Get this game and witness what reaching your potential against all odds truly looks like. Beautiful piece of Art.

Acabei curtindo mais quando decidi que iria passar com todos os personagens no level 0

fui jogando aos poucos com cada um e achei bem bacana, os personagens são diferentes o suficiente para não ficar sempre na mesma coisa

This is the perfect game to play while you're listening to a podcast. The relatively brainless gameplay segments allow you to relax between the surprisingly deep character creation.

What is the little white guy? Is it an egg or a potato? I don't understand the enemies either. anyways torture is cool in this

It's a good bullet heaven, survivor, vampire survivor type game. simple and to the point with a lot of variables for you to build with.

asmr del genocidio marciano mientras los numeros de tu personaje se vuelven más y más grandes. mola.

nigga if vampire survivors is the jordan of the "hoard survivors genre" than this is definitely the lebron

Acho que o que mais atrapalha o jogo é a comparação entre ele e Vampire Survivors. Apesar de serem similares e com uma premissa parecida, os dois são bem distintos, cada um divertido a sua maneira.
Mas no fim Brotato acaba caindo na repetição e não tem muito fator replay, como acontece em outros jogos parecidos.
Mas num geral vale bastante a pena jogar.