Reviews from

in the past

This one is worth your time if you're looking for worthy experiences on PSVR2. I love the muted art style and funky synth music that hits that sweet spot between weird and catchy.

Play online! It's such a blast.

It's Breakout meets Tennis in VR. And it's exactly as fun as that sounds.

Loved going through this one. The controls are so satisfying and the short and sweet level design made me strive for top rank on most levels.

My small gripe is that sometimes, when the ball goes too high or too low, the hit detection gets a little finnicky.

But yeah, C-Smash is an awesome VR game and a must play of the, admittedly small, PSVR2 library.

Fun as hell VR Squash with a banging aesthetic and soundtrack. It's a shame that the PSVR2 Install base is so small that online will be experienced by the devs. Still, very fun time! Would love to see remakes and ports of more old Dreamcast games.