Reviews from

in the past

“yuo wanna lick my boots freakbag?” Me asf: 🧟‍♂️

Played from – to: (2023-07-29 – 2023-09-02) – PC keyboard.
‣ 9/10 – Best COD zombies in the franchise.
‣ Thoughts: This is a purely zombies focused review, because that’s all I downloaded Call of Duty Black Ops 3 for. And I have to say, it is still one of the best additional game modes in any game I’ve played. What really carries this mode is the custom maps and all the juicy stuff that comes with it. People recreating old-school banger maps, adding modded weapons from previous Call of Duties makes the replay ability of BO3 zombies infinite. Not to mention the incredible DLC maps Treyarch put together themselves. Giving players every tool to recreate developer level maps has produced such incredible creations that even the main maps quiver in fear. Overall, this is hands down one of the best and most full of content game modes out there. Crazy to think this released in 2017.

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The peak of COD zombies. So much value and content. A must have for new and old fans alike.