Reviews from

in the past

Great game , Haven't played it for a long time. Bring back nostalgia

epic game
finished on hardened

As a kid, I sold my Copies of Pokémon Black and Pokémon White 2 to buy this game. Biggest mistake ever.

Ok tell me with a straight face that fighting a god damn alien Kraken on top of a fucking sinking aircraft carrier with three of your friends isn’t some of the most metal shit to ever happen in these games.

Campanha divertida, com momentos de ação bons e uma história legal (com um final ruim). Multiplayer mais odiado da franquia toda (acho que só fica na frente do IW e MWII), com muitas armas quebradas, map design confuso e decisões de gameplay estranhas. Extinction é um bom substituto pro Spec Ops, mas que nunca mais voltou pela rejeição de um CoD que merecia uma segunda chance, havia muito potencial que não foi bem aproveitado

Not even close to being as bad as what people say it was, but i see why it isnt a favorite

The campaign was actually really good and i wish they'd follow up on the cliffhanger at the end of the game, multiplayer was absolutely terrible and let this game down massively. Extinction was a fun change and was different

Horrível em sua época, mas ao longo do tempo .... ainda foi horroroso .

When you think of a Call of Duty game's campaign and dialogue being tacky and macho and meat-headed, this is what you're thinking of. A couple great Woo-level setpieces in this one though. Aliens mode also very sick. Docked a full star for a dreadful underwater level.

This is like the only Call of Duty game I have ever played for more than 5 minutes. Not that it was great or anything...There simply wasn't much else to play on a PS3 that wasn't even mine.

I think I beat the whole campaign, and I actually remember having some fun with it. I think I've heard people who actually play this slop, saying that this is one of the weaker ones...I couldn't tell you really.

3/10. Dunno why it's called "ghosts" when the game isn't even scary.

Extinction more like ex-STINK-tion

Embora muita gente não goste desse CoD, acredito q por seu multi-player com diversos defeitos e tentando comprar a ideia de destruição de cenário do Battlefield em uma escala bem buxa, me diverti bem com a campanha e o modo Extinction. MP era desbalanceado mas trouxe a Honeybadger, arma mto foda e uma das piores merdas q CoD já teve, as animações de corpo-a-corpo que só atrapalhavam o pacing do jogo

la campaña era diosssss y el multijugador zzz

Bölüm dizaynı ve çeşitliliği çok iyi, çok beğendim. Oynanış her zamanki gibi iyi/yeterli ama "çok daha iyi olabilir" seviyesinde.

Fakat hikaye tırt. İlk başta ilgimi çekse de devamını getiremedi. Fena olmayan, ortalama bir COD oyunu.

Definitivamente medíocre, modo história provavelmente um dos mais fracos de todos os COD's, nem vou comentar do online para não piorar

Xbox Series X Retrocompatible

Не то чтобы прям плохая игра, просто заметно хуже по сравнению с Modern Warfare. Сюжет скучный, сражения какие-то более punishing, из-за этого менее fun. Казалось что Ghosts должны про стелс, а получился просто более скучный MW. Ну, был космос и подводные бои, но типа... Не то чтобы чёт крутое. Всё какое-то очень аркадное в этой игре. Короче, прошёл, ок, забыли. Лучше перепройти MW.

Campaign was banging and left us with a good cliff hanger.

This was the Call of Duty that made me start to lose interest in the franchise. Its not terrible just it feels very derivative!

Replaying it again and while I don't dislike it like I did back in the day I can't say I love it either. I appreciate how brutal the Ghosts are and the gameplay is fine just the campaign is kinda mid for me. The ending is total BS! How the hell did Rorke survive? His plot armor was insulting to my intelligence plus the fact we're likely never getting a sequel makes it feel pointless.

"Survival" by Eminem is a banger of a theme song though!

I fell from space and lived, you can't beat me

Nostalgic for me but kind of a bad game? Still love it with pals