Reviews from

in the past

the campaign looked incredible. However it was criminal that they didnt include the multiplayer. Activision is literally run by satan hitler

Ok the games fine or whatever but that museum level you unlock after beating the campaign? Now we’re talkin. Peak dicking around level.

Bloqué à la première mission par un bug de script.
Dis bonjour à Hogwarts Legacy.

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Best Call of Duty campaign and it's not even close

Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered is a remaster of the iconic Modern Warfare campaign. This game is great, it looks great, play great and is great. Everything about this just reminds you about how good Call of Duty use to be. I love the characters and the story is fantastic, only thing missing is the iconic multiplayer, but then again it is the campaign remaster.


Pretty much as fun to play as the previous remastered entry. Once again the plot is fine, it just oozes Michael Bay’s Transformers.

Arguably the best entry in the entire franchise!

I loved the original Modern Warfare 2 back in the day and this remaster is a very worthy edition. The weapons are fun to use (G18 for the win!), the levels are iconic, the story is well written and the music is incredible. The voice acting is also solid and its cool seeing actors like Lance Henriksen, Barry Pepper and Keith David in there even if 95% of Sgt. Foley's lines are "RAMIREZ... DO EVERYTHING" lol.

Shepherd's betrayal is such a gut punch but no matter how many times you see it it never loses its impact (RIP Ghost and Roach). My only real flaw or nitpick is the American side of the campaign is far less interesting but its not bad just I much prefer playing as Task Force 141.

This was a lot easier on Veteran than MW1 because there's far less missions with time limits and the thermal sights, riot shields and Predator drones are a godsend.

F the Pit though. It took me so long to get that damn trophy and beat the coarse in time!


Tout simplement la meilleure campagne COD selon moi. Je trouve qu'elle est vraiment géniale !
Comme c'est une version remaster, elle est censée être travaillée au mieux pour donner une vraie amélioration par rapport à la version originale.
Cependant, à part les améliorations graphiques, dans MW2 remastered, il n'y a pas de si grande différence en comparaison avec MW2 de base - c'est logique puisque c'est le même jeu mais il y aurait pus avoir plus d'ajouts/contenu supplémentaire. Aussi, c'est dommage que les dévs n'ont pas remasterisé le multi et les opérations spéciales.

13 yıl aradan sonra bu sefer remastered sürümü ile oynayıp bitirdim. MW2 halen daha tam manasıyla bir FPS klasiği olduğunu hissettiriyor. Hikayesiyle, twistleriyle, etkileyici ve vurucu bölümleriyle, vuruş hissiyatıyla ilk oyunun üzerine koymayı başarmış. 2024 yılında bile kendisini oynatıyor. Hiç eskimemiş. Yine de, oyunun hakkı verilmek isteniyorsa kesinlikle remastered sürümü oynanmalı. Remastered sürümü oyunun esas, hak ettiği versiyonu olmuş (bir nevi The Last of Us Remastered gibi). Hatta ben oyunun orijinal 2009 versiyonunun grafiklerini bile dönemi için birazcık eski bulmuştum. Dolayısıyla puanlamayı da buna göre yaptım. Remastered sürümünü puanlamada esas almayı daha isabetli görüyorum o yüzden. Özlemişiz bu serinin güzel zamanlarını. Sen eskiye dön biz deliye dönelim Call of Duty. Son yıllardaki oyunlarından ötürü de pek umudum yok gerçi. Umarım yanılırım...


Прайс: Шепард предатель
Моя реакция: Ну мне взяло 48 часов как бы осознать че происходит как бы потому что я не мог в это поверить до сих пор, я кстати до сих пор в это не очень верю

holy shit the gun gets covered in mud when you crawl ????10/10

it definitely had some really cool moments and locations, but the overall story was clearly lacking in comparison to the first game, which held it back a bit for me.

i think the novelty of MW1 for me also gave it an advantage. still, some really crazy spectacles and missions throughout.


Graphics - 4/5
Gameplay - 3/5
Story - 5/5

Maior erro desse CoD é não ter o MP
Campanha dispensa comentários, é um ápice que CoD nunca mais alcançará

Staging a massive gunfight involving drones and stinger missiles in a McDonald's is simply the most American videogame moment that will ever exist. Cliffhanger is like all of the best pieces of Goldeneye 007 condensed down into a perfect little 20-minute jaunt. The main Price/Soap plot isn't bad otherwise; it just feels very over-tread FPS vs. the great spectacle of all the Rangers/D.C. stuff.

This game had such a good campaign, and it was remastered really well.

La verdad porque no metieron el modo multijugador y las campañas cooperativas? sigo sin entenderlo.

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, the sequel to one of my personal favourite games and a very good sequel at that. Modern Warfare 2 takes place a few years after its predecessor continuing the story of the original, it carries over some of the old loveable cast as well as adding a few new faces. I love the Modern Warfare story as a whole but I have to say my favourite moment is probably being betrayed by Shepherd (as much as it breaks my heart) I don't any game has been able to make me hate a character more than that scene does. Overall Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is another incredible edition to an incredible franchise.

Remaster muito justo pra talvez o melhor jogo de toda franquia Call of duty

Man do I love committing terrorist acts (in Cod ofc).

estranhao isso ai de militarismo viu

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Diamond
---> My Game Time: 4 hours 33 mins

Portuguese & English review

Joguei este call of duty quando foi dado no PS Plus mensal há muito tempo e é provavelmente a melhor campanha de call of duty de todos os tempos para mim. 5 de 5, se nunca jogaste, então joga. Definitivamente vale a pena o teu tempo.


I played this when it came out in ps plus and, it's probably the best cod campaign ever to me. 5 out 5, if don't ever played then play it. It's definitely worth your time