Reviews from

in the past

Campanha repetitiva, multiplayer médio pra ruim.

Jesus Christ.

Call of Duty didn't need to do another WW2 game, we had 5 of them before this. That being said, Vanguard just plain fuckin' sucks.

Starting with campaign, it varies from boring to god-awful historical revisionism. None of the characters do anything interesting, all of the story is told through backstory that kinda connects? All they do is just show how the main characters became more like leaders but leave it at that. Plus, crazy saying that Polina single-handedly help win Stalingrad for the Red Army, like... that's plain not what happened. The villain, Hermann Freisinger, is you know... a Nazi. Pretty evil dude to say the least, but he wants to be Hitler but better? We all know Nazis are evil so if you know anything we know why we should be routing against him. All in all, its boring.

Multiplayer is... Multiplayer. It's just MW 2019's gameplay but you can have all 10 gunsmith attachments! ...Great stuff. All the new weapons and characters added didn't fucking fit into a WW2 COD game, like fucking Snoop Dog and Menendez? The F2000 and EM3? Do we not care about game premises anymore? Mid.

Zombies is HOT ASS, but did get kinda better. On launch, NO ROUND BASED ZOMBIES. What the fuck was the point of even having zombies without round based as even an option? Eventually with more updates, the newer maps had round based gameplay with some gameplay improvements, but fuck me, poor Treyarch got dragged in to throw together some half assed mode for Sledgehammer (WHO WEREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO MAKE COD THAT YEAR) to put into.

Closely tied with MWIII (2023) as the worst Call of Duty. Period.

The campaign is the worst in the series. The Multiplayer is awful. And the zombies is terrible. The only thing that makes this game playable is the shi no numa remake which is actually pretty fun

I liked it. apparently ign liked this more than MW3's campaign. Gotta play

Got the completion camo in this game. Pray for me.

Not my favourite Call of Duty campaign ever. Graphically it was stunning and the core gameplay is fun, but there weren’t any stand out missions that I’ll remember like there has been in the 2 most recent modern warfare campaigns and the story didn’t grab me either so ended up skipping the cut scenes. I must give a shout out to the WW2 guns though which were incredibly visceral to use with great sound design.

This game launched with no Round-Based Zombies
This game launched as a worse version of MW19's MP.
This games campaign was lackluster.

I will never return to this piece of shit, unless I want to experience pain.

Only gets a full star because at least the lore for Zombies in that game was interesting.

Champions Hill made this game palatable.

I refuse to play this shit.

This rating is just the campaign I like the campaign :D I got to kill bad guys

Played the multiplayer trial for around a week and it was fun I guess... But the storyline is dogshit and if you watch a review of act man you will know this but don't trust my words because I haven't played the campaign, also gets boring kinda fast so yeah.

Oh boy, this game is a rek. I would not suggest this game to anyone, campaign is decent. The multiplayer and zombies on the other hand, no just no.

Came for Zombies, Immediately turned 360° around and walked away.

Me and my dad got this thinking it would have a good zombies mode :(
Rating this game on zombies alone I actually think it's a 0/10. there isn't a single saving grace within this entire mode. It felt so soulless and the entire time there was just this constant droning of player characters talking and lore trying to be dumped on me and the specialist gods or whatever saying shit every time you do anything and each objective has to be explained EVEN AFTER DOING THEM MULTIPLE TIMES.

Even without zombies the campaign lost my interest a few missions in and the multiplayer while actually really fun at first quickly got me burnet out after like 3 weeks. The FOMO the game had built into it made me feel like taking even a few day brake caused me to miss out on something and so after I took a long break I never wanted to get back on.

This is easily one of my least favorite games of all time. From an insanely boring campaign that treats war like it's fun and games to a dry multiplayer with horrible cosmetics to a zombies mode that only has 4 maps (3 of them being post launch maps) with them all being bad, this game is just awful and I would not recommend playing it.

Soulless dog water, ww2 game without factions, your team, enemy team. no allies and axis because that would be too political, also indian anti colony soldier girl is fighting for the british lmaoo

The worst COD game no matter how you look at it

Love the classic WAW maps that were remade, and I really like the gun systems in this one.

"thanks for not censoring the swastikas. i know that took a lot of restraint"

Dude dude dude what if… Call of duty was in World War.. TWO

Probably the worst cod released in years.

An interesting final level but not enough to make it something super special

One of the worst Call of Duty games I've ever played. Hell, it might just be the worst. Zombies was horrible and no fun. Multiplayer was forgettable. The game was loaded with glitches and the maps were not good. It gets one star because it's still Call of Duty and the shooting always feels good.

I don't even know why this is on my account.

sucks ass bro ruined zombies HOW DO YOU RUIN ITS BASIC FOMRUAL