Reviews from

in the past

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 5\10;
Trilha: 10\10;
História: 10\10;
Fator replay: 8\10.

Je suis jamais allé plus loin que la première mission de la démo XBOX mais c'était banger

bem gostosinho as armas, divertido dar uns tiro, mas não me pegou muito

peguei de graça na steam. O jogo praticamente so ação então é mt foda se sentir o clint eastwood

The duels might be one of the worst thing ever in a FPS but otherwise this is a top 10 pleasant surprise for me. Loved the sharp, charming writing, the brilliant narration, the way those would affect the level design on the fly. An absolute blast and one of my favorite FPS campaigns.

I literally just wanted to turn off my brain and shoot some old west era guns and this game did the bare minimum to satisfy that itch

A short but very charming game with good game mechanics, a nice feel to the gun play and a fun story where you don't know wether the narrator is bullshitting you or not.
Fun and short, which is nice

Still waiting for the DLC chapter where Silas takes down Foghorn Leghorn

Awesome game, definitely recommend it to anyone that likes arcade shooters. Story is short and sweet. But you don’t even have to play it because arcade mode gives hours of gameplay already. Dueling is cool too. If you’re a fan of bulletstorm and Clint Eastwood movies def play this.

A cool game you can finish in a day. With some extra stuff in it to kill some extra hours.

But it is half baked. The gun-play is good, while some mechanics feeling quite dated or even unnecessary.
But the main issue is that for a short game it feels like you are just replaying the first level over and over.
There is no amazing levels here. Just well made set pieces, and the game runs out of tools real quick, only having 4 type of enemies with 3 type of guns to play around with. Even the bosses are all the same or ideas get reused later.
Its not a COD clone. But its nothing that's going to wow you.

What should have been the thing to make its mediocrity worth it was the story, but sadly it is just poorly written, and painfully shallow. The ending being totally undeserved and just eye rolling.
I like the idea of a first person story being told and changed in real time, and I wished they delved into the gimmick of having an unreliable narrator.
Maybe its a guy to full of himself,
Maybe he isn't as heroic as he claims to be,
Maybe the plot for revenge is totally one sided manufactured to justify his own actions,
Maybe all of these, or none.
Make the narrator and the characters around him more interesting as they question this very story.
Actually use the the core thing that makes this game stand out.

But what you see is what you get.
It's just as painfully shallow like its game-play.

Único problema é que justamente quando fica bem divertido o jogo acaba, um pouco curto demais

COJ: Gunslinger es un gran juego que se ha visto opacado por otros juegos como Red Dead Redemption de manera injusta, al mismo tiempo que se lo ha comparado con otra saga que solo tiene en común con esta las 2 primeras palabras del nombre "Call of". No es justo para Call of Juarez que se lo compare con otras sagas que no tienen absolutamente nada que ver. COJ es de los pocos juegos que ha conseguido tomar un género como es el FPS y dotarlo de una estética que recuerda mucho a Borderlands, jugabilidad y personalidad propias sin recurrir a clichés baratos que están en todos los juegos. COJ está lleno de carisma, no solo es una carta de amor al género western, sino que también a la historia del lejano oeste en general. Call of Juarez, en una historia completamente lineal, consigue generar ese gamefeel que hace que nos sintamos como forajidos del oeste mientras jugamos, además de dotar las misiones y objetivos del gameplay de un gran peso narrativo, lo que hace que no sintamos como si estuvieramos avanzando del punto A al punto B disparando a todo lo que se mueve mientras tanto. Al mismo tiempo, el juego se ríe de las conveniencias de guion, y es que, realmente no estamos jugando la historia, Silas Greaves cuenta su historia a través de flashbacks en los que el jugador experimenta sucesos clave de su vida a una audiencia en un bar. Esta audiencia pregunta a Silas mientras narra y sus aportaciones pueden llegar a afectar al gameplay. Estos flashbacks incluyen la caza y captura de famosos criminales del Oeste, como Billy the Kid, Jesse James y otros personajes históricos reales.
Como cabe esperar, Silas, no siempre será del todo honesto con sus historias y a menudo rectificará y cambiará ciertas cosas, lo que tendrá un efecto en el gameplay cambiándolo del todo, a veces, Silas exagerará con sus aventuras y tanto él como los que le escuchan señalaran sus exageraciones lo que es una forma divertida de criticar de forma satírica las conveniencias de guion al mismo tiempo que le dan sentido argumental a estas.
El gameplay es lo más destacado de COJ:G, tiene un bullet-time mucho mejor conseguido que el de Red Dead Redemption, se recarga conforme matemos enemigos y depende de como los matemos, ya sea disparando a través de su cobertura o con un headshot, nos darán más medidor de bullet-time, además de que, en bullet-time, también tendremos una oportunidad de librarnos de un disparo letal cada vez que se rellene nuestro medidor de suerte, permitiéndonos eludir la bala a cámara lenta, lo que consigue que no estemos todo el rato cubriéndonos y que así podamos optar por un gameplay más agresivo.
Las armas serán todas de la época y no dispondremos de muchas, solo hay 3 tipos: revólveres, fusiles y escopetas, como punto negativo se puede señalar que el revólver es más que suficiente para completar el juego, aunque no son inútiles ni mucho menos las escopetas y fusiles, los revólveres y en especial el revólver de ranger y el grabado son perfectos para cualquier situación, haciendo que el hecho de usar escopetas o fusiles sea más por comodidad o por gusto que por necesidad o enriquecer el gameplay.

Lo mejor de COJ:G sin dudas son los duelos: con un joystick controlas la mano de Silas y con la otra diriges la atención al atacante, puedes desenfundar primero, pero serás penalizado como cobarde, por lo tanto, puedes decidir si asegurar la victoria y disparar primero o arriesgarte y así obtener una bonificación por vencer honradamente. Este sistema es muchísimo más inmersivo que el de Red Dead Redemption.

El modo arcade, aun no añadiendo nada nuevo ni innovador, consigue ser un modo superdivertido de juego donde disparas a todo lo que se mueve, puede parecer poco alentador al ser "más de lo mismo" pero el sistema de combate de COJ:G es más que satisfactorio y el modo arcade le viene como anillo al dedo al gameplay.

Otro añadido que hace más interesante el juego son sus coleccionables, que más allá de ser estéticos, cuentan un poco más sobre la vida de los forajidos tales como Jesse James o Billy "El niño" que existieron realmente, lo cual, son detalles que, aunque no afecten prácticamente en nada al juego, son muy interesantes

En definitiva, COJ pudo ser una IP muy potente en el medio, pero juegos como Red Dead Redemption le quitaron todo el protagonismo que se merece, y una ridícula comparación en el nombre hizo que se le terminara de hundir comparándolo con Call of Duty, una de las IP más potentes en la actualidad. De todas maneras, COJ es y debería ser contemplado por todos como la perfecta alternativa a Red Dead Redemption para vivir una aventura ambientada en el antiguo oeste al puro estilo de las películas de cowboys del género Western.

Muy entretenido, y maneja un buen storytelling, lo cuál hace que sea más disfrutable aún.

The last of the games that I played on my recent efforts to clear through some of my PC backlog, this is yet another game that I was curious about for ages, bought it on sale years and years back, and have only just finally gotten around to playing XD. I’m not usually one for FPS games, let lone one tied to Ubisoft, but the premise of this one had me so curious and the praise it received was so great that I just had to check it out. It took me about 5.5 hours to finish the game on normal mode.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger follows Silas Greaves, an old cowboy just looking to stop into town and get a drink. Once he sits down at a table, he strikes up some conversation and the patrons quickly recognize his name as one of a famous gunslinger about which there are no shortage of unbelievable tales. Demanding stories straight from the source, Silas begins telling them stories of his younger days, and that is where you, the player, come in. Inspired by the way that Bastion’s narrator affected its gameplay, the narrative conceit of Gunslinger is that you are playing through the stories Silas is telling as he tells them, and revisions to the story or folks jumping in with their own details will change the game as you play it. It’s a super cool way to design a game, and they pull it off really well here.

Being a game about the old west, there are certainly marks of the genre (especially regarding racism), but I think the game does a pretty darn good job of striking a balance between making the characters feel appropriate to the world they’re in while also incorporating many more modern ideas about the culture and stories of the old west. This is a game whose story is a love letter to old west fiction, and it has a lot of fun playing with the notion of storytelling and how the stories we tell affect our perceptions of both history and the present. It’s simultaneously a big, dumb cowboy story that features every famous and infamous cowboy who ever graced a Hollywood screen as well as a thoughtful contemplation on what these kinds of stories mean to us. It’s not the most deep dissection of those things, sure, but it does a great job at what it’s trying to do, and I loved every minute of it.

The gameplay is pretty standard for an FPS of this time, but it has a few things here and there to make it special. On the more typical end, you can carry two guns at a time, you’re going through levels following objective markers and shooting enemies as they come, and you even have a bullet time mode you can activate once you’ve killed enough enemies. This definitely has the feelings of a budget title, in a sense, with how relatively few guns it has and how often locations are reused, but both of those aspects serve larger purposes. The guns are all relatively cowboy appropriate, for starters, and the reuse of locations is a bit more than meets the eye, and it’s honestly an aspect of the narrative device that I respected the most by the time I was done with it.

On the more special end, you have little six-shooter inspired skill trees (which isn’t that unique, sure), as well as how the story changes depending on the flow of the narration as I mentioned earlier. The most unique part of the gameplay is how they’ve conceived boss fights in this game. In grand cowboy movie fashion, no matter how many unimportant enemies get taken down, a showdown against a bad guy almost always ends in a one-on-one showdown of reflexes. The way the game does this is with you seeing Silas’s hip holster and his hand as well as the enemy in front of you. Your goal here is to focus the reticle on the right hand side with your right stick (or mouse) on your enemy’s head to increase your zoom in for an easier shot, and you simultaneously use your left stick (or WASD on the keyboard) to keep Silas’s hand near his gun to increase the speed you draw your weapon at. The way you kill normal enemies already gets you points and EXP for both score and leveling up, and the better you do in these duels, the more EXP you’ll get for them. You get an extra big bonus if you win the duels honorably (by letting your enemy draw first), though it’s obviously a lot harder to do that. It’s a bit of a jank mechanic, but they do some really fun stuff with it and it helps the silly cowboy-ness of it all come alive that much more.

My one main comment here is that these work WAY better with a controller, and I ended up being really glad that I still had my Xbone controller plugged in, because I’d play the normal game with my mouse and keyboard and then swap to the controller (which is a really nice, seamless transition) as soon as the duels started, because these control WAY more easily with joysticks than they do with the WASD keys and mouse.

The aesthetics are really fun as well. The voice acting is really well done as is the sound design in general, with lots of fun, very cowboy-feeling music underscoring the action as it happens. The graphics also fit the game really well too. They’ve gone for a cell-shaded, vaguely realistic graphics style that gives the whole game a somewhat comic book feel without feeling like a comic book game. It lends itself really well to the hyper-reality of the action at hand, and it makes the whole thing that much more fun.

Verdict: Highly Recommended. This is a really awesome game! I went in expecting to like it okay, and I came away loving it. If what I described about the storytelling intrigues you, or you’re someone who likes westerns and/or FPS games, this is absolutely not one you want to miss, because it’s a real treat on all levels (and I’m saying that as someone who’s never even seen a western movie <w>).

Sadly, it’s very sluggish on the Switch, both in terms of choppy framerate and input delay… all of which is not helped by the fact that it’s just a sluggish game in general.

I relish the simple pleasure of doling out shotgun blasts in an old west setting as much as the next guy, but I’d rather it not feel like I’m crawling and aiming through tar; especially if you’re gonna overlay it with Arcady/twitch trappings (combos for quick kills and the like).

Also, I got extremely tired of hearing Silas jabber over everything I was doing. Abolish narrators in games.

Jogo criativo PRA CARALHO
Amo o jeito que o narrador brinca com a gameplay, me lembra stanley's parable, muito ficha.

Прикольный ТИР с юмором на Диком Западе че еще надо) На харде сложно проходить но интересно, дуэли так и не понял, рандом какойто..

Really enjoyable FPS! Was surprised how much I enjoyed the story, and the gameplay was fun with well placed autosaves!

ideal zaman öldürmelik oyunlardan

This review contains spoilers

I really loved the cell shaded style the game went for, incredible voice acting, fluid gunplay and all around great atmosphere.

I loved the times where the story got set straight multiple times (especially the bank robbery mission).

Towards the end you end up wondering if Silas really is just a drunken old man, but I didn't see that ending coming at all.

Perfect fun for the steam deck

Got it on steam for basically nothing, the game is still very fun and holds up nicely.

A real surprise for a game that, to me, released with little fanfare and isn't talked about too much. The gunplay feels good, the bullet dodge mechanic is very cool, the story is pretty cool honestly playing around with an unreliable narrator, having him actively tell it change the game world around you is very cool. A very memorable game that I like to come back to now and then.

Super super fun, satisfying gunplay, awesome setting. I love the wild west. The only bad thing was the story was just ok and the bosses sucked dookie but otherwise really fun

PERFEITO. história envolvente, imersiva, plots incríveis, personagens interessantes, gameplay perfeita, direção artística impecável, etc. TUDO nesse jogo é PERFEITO.

divertido. não muito mais que isso

porém, uma parte legal é que o jogo se passa como uma história que 'alguém' está contando, com os exageros e tudo mais