Reviews from

in the past

Gosto bastante e já platinei, o mundo aberto ao mesmo tempo que é melhor do que o do Cars (2006) ele também é inferior em alguns aspectos. A pior coisa são as corridas de Kart com o guido, meu deus que coisa horrível

Do NOT play the Wii version, it is incredibly unplayable with many bugs and a disgusting framerate

The PS3 version is perfect

And the DS version is surprisingly good.


Cars was my hyperfixation when I was young and now I look back and wonder what the fuck was I doing.

Zerando pela segunda vez na vida, pq a primeira foi no PS2, e agora com troféus tudo fica melhor

Really good follow-up to Cars 1. Imagine fleshing out the customization options for a licensed game. GOATED.

The second best Cars game, which isn’t a high bar to clear.

Man, honestly a way better game than maternational or the first cars game, it's gameplay is way more faster and fun and the story can actually hook you if you like cars since childhood like me, it's a very fun game nowadays too and it has quite the graphics for a wii game.

MELHOR JOGO DO MUNDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

I choose the right game to be my 100th logged game here

Fancied a quick and easy racing game to play in the background while listening to music. This doesn't even serve that purpose, I doubt it'd even work as a screensaver.

Forgettable racing game, another east platinum… It will get worse than this though.

God this game was bad. Hard to look at and harder to control for a kids game. Misions aren't the fun.. prefer gamecube one more

This Game was a fever dream to me. I remember having fun with this but seeing gameplay of the console versions, I think the DS version was mid.

Who doesn't love the Cars world and characters! This is a fun simple racing game. No pros, no cons its just a simple game.


A pretty solid Cars game that held up well on the DS at least.

Given their short development, I’m surprised Tantalus made an overall better game that the last two
sure the rushed aspect is seen in some places in the game like christ what happened to the collision
but the game still stands in other ways like better drifting, better hub world and the inclusion of Mater Tall Tales, yes I’m biased.

Graphically Worse Than The Original Game For The Wii, but better OST and driving mechanics, spin off story is cool, just kinda sad they got zero of the original voice actors in the game

Very possibly the worst video game I've ever touched. I've been known to be relatively forgiving towards chintzy, blatant cash-grabs like this from the era - by which I mean, there tends to be a prior expectation that they're going to be pretty crappy already. But this is a new low even by that grading curve, and I didn't think the first Cars video game was even that bad, either. Muddy graphics, choppy framerate, track design that ranges from brutally boring to the most horrendous things ever, and handling that will legitimately make you curse your own soul. Those fucking Guido races are one of the top 5 worst things ever spat onto a video game disc - total luck whether or not you don't spin out for no reason (usually miliseconds before the finish line) and/or glitch right through the floor of the track. There are gripes to be made with the current state of gaming but come on, don't act like you aren't immensely glad that this borderline evil genre of games isn't poisoning the well so much anymore.

banger, first game I ever completed

a very specific memory of this one I got for my birthday it was what I asked for I played it and I beat it in a single day and god i remember being so disappointed because I was so used to games just lasting weeks for me

Más bien Cars Mierdi o rama. El juego en si tiene un planteamiento a los Crash de carreras, que es malo de cojones. Donde el número de pistas es escaso y de vez en cuando puedes ver alguna alteración en los circuitos.

é basicamente o Mater-National Championship mais bonito e com menos conteúdo principal. O modo história só dá de jogar com o Relâmpago Macqueen e, apesar de ter mais recompensas por platinar, o jogo n deixa com vontade de fazer os 100%.
as pistas são todas sem graça, tirando as de 1 só volta que não tinha no jogo anterior

This is one of the worst games I've ever played. I only played it for the easy platinum. I've never even seen any of the Cars movies. They're literally the only Pixar movies I haven't seen. I hate the Cars world. It's so weird and confusing and off putting. Ugh yuck.

Anyways as far as this game goes, like I said it sucks. It's one of the worst things I've ever played. It's so shallow and basic. You just complete races or drive to the yellow circle to complete a really mundane side quest or bonus objective. You play as 3 different Cars depending on the race. Everything with Lightning McQueen is really easy. Everything with the other two is really frustrating especially the terrible Mario Kart knock off. The physics suck, the handling is terrible, and the invisible walls extremely annoying. I don't play much racing games, but I've played enough to know even for a genre I don't like that this is really bad and really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

The whole thing is just so bad and embarrassing. They couldn't even get Owen Wilson to voice the 3 lines Lightning has in this game. Also why is this game? It came out split dab right in the middle of Cars 1 and Cars 2. It's the quality of a terrible movie video game tie in. Why not wait 2 years and flesh it out and release it along side Cars 2? This whole thing is baffling and makes no sense. O well. Thanks for the easy platinum. It's Platinum trophy number 100 for me. What a depressing one to get it on. Ugh.

esse aqui era famoso na pirataria

i got this game on the ds as a kid, played it for no more then 5 minutes, and never touched it again because even as a stupid 12 year old i knew this wasnt worth my time

Esse jogo é muito bom, a história dele paralela é boa, a variedade de carros é muito boa, é incrível como esse jogo é bom, ele tem um mundo aberto muito bom, tem fases e mapas muito bem estruturados e a trilha sonora é boa também.