Reviews from

in the past

Fun and simple. Beginning and mid game is enjoyable with a vast world to explore and a catalogue of species to catch. However, end of the game can get quite tedious with some of the final fish being extremely difficult or mechanically dumb to catch (Cuddlecanth, ghost, etc.) Price is fine, often goes on sale for less than $5, which is worth it imo.

very simple game, very enjoyable game. love it. just not interesting enough to keep me playing.

for some reason this game costs money

It really need tons of polishing. It's still a fun game in regard to it's size and content. I didn't get to see the endgame but I played so much. Would be happy to see games with similar content.

idk why im rating this on my backloggd.

Kot i wędkarstwo to dwie najpiękniejsze rzeczy na tej planecie

Ive cut through the cycle of life and death and gave these suckers a shortcut

this game makes me so angry, and I cannot explain why