Reviews from

in the past

💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Mimi's Scratcher is a Sokoban type game in which you can push boxes, stack boxes and even jump between platforms while carrying a box, when necessary, so that Mimi the absolutely adorable cat can reach her scratching post and have fun. In this puzzle game you get to play through 55 levels (+1 secret level) that are all different and fun to complete. There is no time limit and the levels are all relatively easy to complete if you are familiar with Sokoban styled puzzle games.

The soundtrack is a little repetitive, but still catchy and the design of the game is simple and minimalistic. The cat is also very cute in her design, and makes cute little meow noises. Absolutely adorable!

The game is lovely and relaxing, and you can take your time with it and still feel great even after doing all the levels. Definitely a worthy puzzle game to get for your library, especially with the cheap price that it is even at full price.