Reviews from

in the past

50 min of approachable puzzles. Perfect amount of levels without over-engineering or draining the core mechanic

The cross between a platformer and chess mechanics that is able to present a decent number of puzzles with a very simplistic presentation. It should only take an afternoon to go through it.

The concept is so strong it almost felt surprising that it hadn't been done before. Not outrageously clever at any point, but solid throughout - and while it is fairly short (1-2 hours overall), that does feel like it captures everything the neat mechanic can offer, and Chessformer doesn't outstay its welcome.

Very short puzzle game, 48 levels that took me about 2 hours in total to finish. The idea is cute, though I think there was still a lot left to explore with it. The controls/UI are really not great, there are 3 buttons on screen with a < symbol, a U, and a "restart"/"redo" looking character. At some point I confused all 3 of these for another button, and because there's no warning prompts, often reset a puzzle when I meant to undo a single move. Pieces should be more clearly highlighted when you are selecting their next move. A lot of the puzzles had straightforward solutions that could've been "disguised" better. I think I cheesed some levels because there were unused pieces/areas. Kinda fun for what it's worth.